Part 6

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When you arrived at your hotel in Beijing you walked into the lobby and James told you to take a seat in one of the couches while he checked the two of you in. As it turns out the hotel was pretty full so they have you and James one room with one bed and a pull out couch. You didn't mind the situation and you would happily take the couch, but you knew it was going to be awkward. He grabbed your bag for you and handed you the key to let the both of you in. You got to your room and realized how small it was. But it had a great view. You were looking out the window at the city when James came up behind you and said "I can take the couch" in a serious man voice. "Oh that's okay! I don't mind, I'm shorter!" You tried to convince him. "I invited you, and you're gonna need a good night's sleep for your first day on an international conference. I'll take the couch." He repeated. "Ok, thank you James." You said kindly. That night you two went to a fancy restaurant and by the time you got back you were exhausted. He had let you shower first and you tried to be quick and didn't hog the bathroom. Then he showered while you got your bag and James' briefcase ready with all of the notes and paperwork and note taking materials. You say in you bed and started getting settled when he walked out of the bathroom. He was only in boxers and that was a view you could get used to. He was perfectly sculpted like a Greek god or something. He grabbed a shirt out of his luggage and threw it on before he got settled on the couch. You shut off the lights and you laid there for a while, but you couldn't fall asleep because James was making too much noise readjusting every few seconds. He was clearly uncomfortable, and you decided to be brave and offer him a spot in your bed. "James, you can come and sleep up here if you want. There's plenty of room." You said shyly. "Are you sure? I would appreciate that a lot actually. But I don't want to intrude your personal space." He said gently. "Of course I mean it." You responded and slid over. He got up and snuggled in on the bed. You started off on separate sides of the bed, but once you fell asleep the two of you ended up cuddling again.
James woke up at one point in the middle of the night. He realized that the two of you were now only inches apart and he was going to scoot back to his side, but he couldn't resist and he pulled you against his chest and watched you until he fell back asleep.

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