Part 10

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It was Monday, the day of the banquet. And you were nervous but really excited to see James again. It had only been 2 days but you missed spending time with him. You had grown quite attached spending a week together 24/7. You walked into work with a smile on your face and the receptionist smiled brightly at you and giggled to her self. You went up to the office and sat down at your desk. You smiled and said good morning to James who had a big grin on his face the second you walked in. He said good morning back and the two of you worked through the day occasionally smiling at each other. At lunch he had another meeting with one of the company's marketers and he brought you with him of course. He liked bringing you places, and he had the money to do it. At 5 when it was time to go he started packing his things and you did the same. He looked up at you and said "so I'll pick you up at 7?". "Yeah that works! See you then!" You said excitedly. You rushed right home and started getting ready. You picked out a fancy dress with your sister yesterday and she of course wanted to know all the details. You filled her in on the gist of it, but you weren't quite sure if it was a real date or not. Your dress was navy blue. It was strapless and fitted and came down to your mid-thigh. You had a silver clutch, silver dangly earrings and silver pumps to match. Your doorbell rang and you saw it was James. You opened the door and his face lit up. He handed you flowers and told you, you looked incredible. You thanked him and invited him in while you put the flowers in water. When you arrived at the venue you realized how fancy it was. Later everyone sat down for dinner and James was talking with some other business men and he was very serious, similar to when you first met him. But then he put his hand on your thigh and from that point on you knew it was a real date. Later there was dancing and he stood up and held out his hand. You and him danced for what could've been hours. He held you close to his chest the whole time and when it was time to leave he never let go of your hand.

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