Part 13

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You and James had been dating for 3 weeks now "officially". You were talking to Karen and she invited you to a get together with some of the people from the office you told her you would see. You walked back to your desk and amazed James of he as going, but he told you he wasn't invited and looked back down at his papers like he was trying to act like he didn't care. Later that night James came back home with you and was sitting on your couch waiting for you to get changed. He had changed already cause he had a change of clothes already at your house. You walked up behind the couch and ran your fingers through his hair and he looked up at you and smiled. "So James, my birthday is coming up and my sister is throwing me a party would you like to come? It'll just be my sister and my friends and we are gonna do dinner and then we were gonna go to a concert. I know that you don't get invited to anything at work and I know it's gonna be mostly girls but I figured you'd like the invite." You asked him. His face lit um and he grabbed you hand and kissed it before saying "of course I would love to go! I also want to meet your sister that I've heard so much about and I want to see what kinda friends you have!" Really!?! Yay, I'll call my sister! She'll be thrilled!" You said excitedly and grabbed your phone and called your sister while James looked up at you amused. You talked with your sister for a while. She had a million questions about James and the situation and how you treated each other at work and what he looked like. While she asked, You answered "Yes he's handsome, yep lots of money, oh yes he's a sweetheart, yeah it's big..". James eyes got really big and you realized what you said and quickly mouthed out "your house" and he breathed out in relief and wiped his palms on his pants. "Oh and he's also sitting right here!" You told you're sister and James laughed. Your sister immediately asked to speak to him but you thought it would be better for them to meet in person, you were worried she would scare him on the phone. You said your goodbyes and hung up before walking over to the couch and cuddling up next to James .
"Thank you, for doing this." You said to James quietly. "Thank you for letting me." He responded and kissed your head.

Office AU Bucky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now