Part 14

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You were at James' house while he was getting ready. You sat on his bed while he threw on a dark gray t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. You loved watching him get ready, he made the cutest faces in the mirror. He sat next to you on the bed and put on his shoes and you wrapped your arms around his torso and kissed his shoulder. He stood up, spun around and grabbed you and picked you up and started kissing your whole face. He started asking you questions about your sister and your friends and he was asking questions the whole way to the restaurant. He was clearly nervous and when you got to the restaurant he held your hand tightly as the two of you walked to the back of the restaurant. You saw your sister and let go of his hands to give her a big hug. " it's so good to see you!" You said in a muffled tine cause you were currently being squished. "It's good to see you too, happy birthday (y/n)!" She said back in the same tone. "So is this the boss turned boyfriend!?" She said shamelessly. James got so red in the face. "Yeah, This is James. James This is Lisa" you happily introduced them. "Hello Lisa it's nice to meet yo-" James said before Lisa pulled him into a gigantic bone crushing hug. "Sorry I'm a hugger!" She half said half giggled. "She's very affectionate, but you get used to it!" You explained to a very confused James Barnes. "Well come on let's sit down and get to know each other!" Lisa said enthusiastically. You all say down and talked and ordered drinks before dinner, but since James didn't drink you just went with sweet tea because you didn't like drinking in front of him and you spent most of your time Roth him so you were used to ordering tea now. Your sister ordered some fancy fruity drink and tried to get you to try one. "Sis why aren't you ordering a drink?! It's your birthday!" She asked. "Oh I don't drink that much anymore because James doesn't drink and I don't see a real reason to." You responded shyly and looked over to James to make sure he wasn't mad that you shared that. He just smiled at you and kissed the top of your head and said "babe it's okay, order a drink it's your birthday!".
You were surprised at how verbal he was, but you were glad he wasn't being too shy. "No it's okay, I don't need it." You said and leaned back into his arm. He then put his arm up against the back of the booth so you could get closer. Of course your sister noticed this and started giggling and rapidly said "oh my god you guys are so cute! James I am so glad my sister met you! I can't even believe the story of how you got together! I couldn't even imagine having a civil conversation let alone a relationship with my boss! It must be so nice being able to talk all day! Work must be so much less boring! Did you guys get together over the business trip?! Wait how long has this been official?!". James looked stunned by all of the questions but he cleared his throat and answered "well I thought she was cute when I first met her but looking at her résumé I was super impressed by how smart she was and how much experience she had. And I decided that she was way over qualified to be working as an intern on the first floor and I have been in need of an assistant that actually knew what they were talking about and there she was. And after weeks of being in an office with her I developed a huge crush on her and I would always love taking her to lunch meetings with me because I thought she would never go out with me for real, but when I invited her on the trip with me and she said yes and let me hold her hand and try to comfort her before the flight, I knew she was interested in me too and I had to make a move so I would find any excuse to touch her or cuddle her. And finally when we got back I took her as my date to a business dinner and now we're here!". You were blushing like crazy and you were shocked he shared that much information, but your sister has wide eyes and was listening to every detail.

Office AU Bucky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now