Part 9

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You had a successful week in Beijing and you and James were in the airport waiting for your flight. It was really late because your flight had been delayed a few times and you were really tired. There were no open seats so the two of you found a corner near your gate by the window and you had your arms wrapped around his torso and he had an arm around you and he was leaning his head on top of yours. You nuzzled into his neck and watched the airplanes land and takeoff out the window. The two of you waited like this for a while. He was clearly getting inpatient and he grabbed his phone and his headphones out of his bag. And put one in his ear and the other in yours. You appreciated the gesture and you were glad he wasn't planning on shutting you out. He turned on his playlist. He had a lot of indie and alternative music on this particular playlist, but you liked it. It was soothing especially when he was holding you. After a while you both started getting hungry so he went to go get the two of you smoothies while you watched the stuff. He brought you back you smoothie and the two of you decided you were filthy anyways so you just sat on the floor. When you finally boarded you fell asleep immediately and you remember feeling cold and James putting a blanket over you. You felt a gentle nudge on your shoulder and you woke up and James was looking at you. "Hey (y/n)." He said quietly. "Yes James?" You asked. "Well you've been asleep almost the whole flight and they're about to come around and take our breakfast orders. Plus I'm bored and I wanna talk" he said and smiled innocently. "Oh ok, thanks for waking me then." You said and smiled back. "You wanna play 20 questions?!" You said seizing the opportunity. "Oh, um sure. You go first." He said shyly. "Ok so let's start with basics. What's your favorite color?" You asked enthusiastically. "Oh, well I like black, and deep purples and blues. What about you?" He asked. "(Y/f/c), half the things in my home are that color!" You answered. This continued on for a while and you learned a lot about each other. Nothing too personal just the things a friend would know.

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