Chapter 9

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-six weeks later-

It's been a little over a month since Alex has left. Things have been a little boring for me since I was left alone. So I have been trying to get out in town as much as I can. I usually spend the day in the market or just simply walking around.

I woke up earlier than usual this morning because I was very excited. Peggy was coming over for a few weeks to plan her wedding with John. She said that Angelica and Eliza didn't want her traveling at first but once she said that she would be staying with me they agreed to let her come.

I sat up in my bed and I instantly felt dizzy. I put a hand onto my forehead and I tried to get my vision steady enough to get up. Maybe I ate something bad yesterday? I tried to get rid of the headache but it just wouldn't leave.

My heartbeat started to fasten in pace and I was honestly starting to get worried. What was happening to me? After twenty minutes of sitting with my hands on my head, I was finally able to get up from my bed. I only took a few steps when I felt like I was going to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and I just let everything out. I kept throwing up until I had nothing left inside of me.

Once I was finished I went downstairs and I grabbed a glass of water to hydrate myself. I didn't know what was going on and I was quite scared. Medical treatment in this time wasn't advanced as the treatment in my time. So would they be able to help me if I was deathly ill? I then heard a knock at the door, it must be Peggy.

"It's open Peggy!"

The door opened and shut quickly. Peggy came running into the living room expecting to see a lively (Y/N). Instead, she saw a sick looking (Y/N) who was clinging onto her glass of water.

"(Y/N) what's wrong!"

"I-I don't know Peggy I woke up feeling sick and I threw up just before you arrived."

Peggy sat down on the couch and she rubbed circles on my back, "Did you eat anything bad yesterday?"

I shook my head, "No I don't think so. Everything I ate seemed fresh. So what could be wrong with me?"

Peggy looked at me up and down and she noticed something that I didn't notice.

"(Y/N) did you and Alexander already do...well you know?"

"Peggy why would you want to know tha-"

That's when the realization hit me, I was pregnant! It all made sense. I had gained a little weight in my stomach area and the sickness I was feeling now was morning sickness.

"Peggy! I-I-I'm pregnant!"

"Oh congratulations (Y/N)! Does that mean I get to stay here with you longer to make sure that you will be okay during your pregnancy?"

I laughed and hugged her, "Of course! You can be my midwife if you want."

"Yes! I want to be here with you every step of the way. Because I know that you would do the same for me."

I laughed and when I finished my water I felt the sickness ease and finally leave. Well, at least it would be gone until tomorrow morning. Once I was stable enough to walk around more I gave Peggy the tour of the house. She instantly fell in love with it. I showed her where she would be staying and she unpacked her things.

While she was unpacking and settling in I decided that I needed to write to the general to tell him about Alexander's baby. Maybe if I wrote to him he would allow him time to see his baby.

So I grabbed a pen and paper and started to write.

Dear General Washington,
I don't know if you may remember but I am (Y/N) Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton's wife. I just wanted to inform you that I am with child and I wanted to know if there was any way you could send him home to meet his child. I know that I shouldn't be asking you to send your right-hand man home for a while but I thought I would give it a shot.

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