Chapter 16

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Over the period of time, Alexander apologized for his actions. He knew he was wrong for storming out on all of us like that. He just didn't want me to know about his job because he was afraid that I would have gotten mad that he had to leave.

Even though he was busy as secretary of treasury he made sure that he was always around for the kids. They were growing up so fast and he didn't want to miss a single moment. As for our baby, we had another boy. Alex had named him James Hamilton, and as of now he is a little over a year old. 

Today was a very important day, everyone had been talking about it for weeks, Thomas Jefferson was coming home. He had been in France for several years and he was supposed to be arriving today. Alex had even invited the whole family to come and meet him. Even though he personally didn't like Thomas he knew that Angelica and I talked about him a lot when I lived with them. So I was quite surprised when he invited me to come along with him. 

So at the start of the day, I fixed breakfast for everyone and then helped the children get ready to go to the city. Alexander helped Philip, Alex Jr, and James get dressed. While I helped Angie get ready. So far she was growing up to be such a kind young girl. She raced to her closet and picked out her favorite long purple gown that had lace around the bottom of the skirt.

"I want to wear this one mommy."

"Okay well, you need to hurry up so we can get to the city."

She quickly changed and then I tied up her hair so she wouldn't be too hot in the heat. She slipped on her shoes and then walked with me into my room.

"Okay Angie what dress should mommy wear today?"

She walked to my closet and started to pull on a tight (f/c) dress with a black ribbon that went across the waist. I pulled the dress out of the closet and she felt the silky skirt that had a puffy skirt. She smiled at me and started to clap her hands.

"This is the one mommy!"

"Okay well go to your room so mommy can change."

She nodded her head and left the room, shutting the door behind her. I slipped out of my nightdress and then started to tighten my corset so the dress would look better on my figure. Having four children did a lot to my body, I certainly didn't have the same figure I did when I first came here.

I slipped into the dress and I buttoned the few buttons in the front. I then straightened the lace that was resting at my elbows. Finally, I wrapped the black ribbon around my waist. I tied my hair into a half up-half down hairstyle and looked into the mirror. I was satisfied with my look, Angie made a good choice with my attire today.

I then exited my room and I heard a loud crash come from Philip's room. I looked to my side and Angie stood there looking at me in the hallway. I grabbed her hand and I quickly made my way to Philip's room. I swung open the door and there were toys spread out everywhere.

"Boys why is this room a mess?"

They all stopped and Alexander started to rock James in his arms.

"Oh, um... well the boys wanted to play instead of getting ready so they threw their toys out all over the floor to keep me from getting them ready."

I looked over and the boys were almost ready. Their outfits just needed to be straightened up.

"Alexander you finish up with James I'll get these boys over here."

He sighed and went to another room with Angie so I could help the other boys get ready.  Then after a few minutes, we were all ready to leave. A large carriage that would fit all of us soon rolled up in front of the house.

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