Chapter 14

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-Around a year and a half later-

Philip is a little over a year old and he was growing up so quickly. He was now walking and trying to talk on his own. He would try to form sentences but they were mostly just random noises. Some of them actually had real words though. I can still remember some of his biggest milestones as a child.

-6 months old-

Philip was growing so fast. I actually missed him being the tiny baby he was a few months ago. Now he would be making lots of noise and trying to make a mess out of anything in arms reach.

Although he was being quite the troublemaker, he was so sweet as well. I sometimes caught myself thinking back to the lady at the maternity store. She still creeped me out knowing Philip's gender. But man was she right, boys are a lot to handle!

At the moment Philip was in my arms and reaching for my hair. That's something he has taken a liking to. He has been grabbing and pulling at my hair for almost a week now. Plus he has been becoming very close with me. I imagined him being a mama's boy when he grows up. Alexander sometimes feared that Philip wouldn't like him when he grew older. Honestly, I just think he was being afraid for nothing. I mean, why wouldn't his son love him?

I walked over to the couch and I sat down and I placed Philip down in front of me. I was happy that he was now able to sit up on his own. I looked down at Philip, "Philip look at mama."

He looked over at me and I covered my eyes. I then uncovered them quickly, "Peek-a-boo!"

He laughed and swung his arms around. I laughed along with him and kept playing peek-a-boo. His baby laughter filled the room and my giggles followed. His smile was so bright and it could make anyone laugh. He couldn't stop laughing so I caught his attention again.

"Philip look over here. Look at mama."

He stopped laughing and I covered my eyes once again. I uncovered my eyes, "Peek-a-boo!"

He smiled and then instead of laughing like he was doing before he said "mama." Then he continued to laugh.

I stopped playing the game and I looked at him with a shocked look. Did he he didn't just say his first words. I caught his attention again.

"Philip, can you say mama? Come on say mama again."

He struggled a little bit at first. "m-ma-mama!"

I quickly picked him up and spun him around. He really did say it! His first words were mama! I held him in my arms and I ran to Alexander's office. He was doing some work when I opened the door and when he saw me he quickly put his hand on his chest.

"God (Y/N) don't bust in here like that. You almost gave me a heart attack."

I laughed to myself, "Sorry but I think that you might wanna see this."

He got up from his seat and stood near the edge of his desk. I looked at Philip and I quietly said, "Okay Philip say it again, say mama."

He had a smile on his face when he spoke, "m-mama."

Alexander's jaw dropped. I hugged Philip and laughed as Alex was still shocked.

"No, I wanted to be his first words."

I laughed as my husband continued to whine. I looked back at Philip and he was laughing like crazy. Alex was starting to laugh along with him. I passed Philip over to Alex and he held him close. He started to try to see if Philip could say anything else.

"Philip, can you say papa?"

Philip looked like he was studying the word that was just said to him.

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