Chapter 11

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-A month and a half later-

I heard my mother, "(Y/N) wake up!"

I jolted awake and I held my head. I've been having really weird and bizarre dreams. Sometimes they were about my past life, other times they were about Alexander. I think this was a side effect of pregnancy. Sometimes the dreams would freak me out and I would try to go a night or two without sleeping, but I knew it would be bad for both me and the baby. So I had to deal with the weird dreams.

I got dressed in one of my maternity gowns and I made my way downstairs. I usually have a schedule now. I would wake up, eat breakfast, then stay home and find things to do with Peggy. Since I was growing more in my stomach the doctor wanted me to rest for the last two months.

I was about to sit down on the couch when I heard a knock at the door. I walked out of the living room and I opened the door to find a letter sitting in front of the door. I picked it up and I looked around, nobody was near my door. I shrugged my shoulders and I closed the front door.

I looked down at the name on the front and it was my name in Alexander's writing. I ripped it open and I began to read his letter.

My dearest, (Y/N),

I have great news to tell you. The British troops surrendered at the battle of Yorktown. We won the war! We gained our freedom which means that I will be able to return home and be with you and our family. I will try to be back to you as fast as I can. General Washington is still having me do some work since some of our troops are still not back yet. Also, tell Peggy that John loves and misses her. He said that he cannot wait to return and marry her and start a family. He has traveled to South Carolina to fight but now that the war is over he should be back in time. As for you (Y/N) I love and miss you every day that we are apart. I can't wait to see you again, it's only a matter of time.


Alexander Hamilton.

I hugged the letter close to my chest and I ran to Peggy. I opened her door quickly and she shot up from her sleep. She grabbed her chest and started to control her breathing.

"What the heck was that for?"

I handed her the letter and she instantly got up and cheered.

"Oh, my goodness (Y/N) its like the world just turned upside down!"

I laughed and I took the letter back.

"I can't believe they actually did it! Now we can live happily together with our husbands. Speaking of, have you and John figured out a plan of where you are going to live?"

Peggy smiled, "Yes we have. There is a plot of land just about a block away from here and we were going to buy it and build a house. I like spending all this time with you and I don't think that moving back to the city with my sisters would be a good choice. I mean I love them but they expect a lot out of me. Like I said years ago, they forget about me sometimes."

I hugged her, "Oh Peggy it would be lovely to have you live close to us."

"Wow, I just realized how much you have changed from that first day that I found you. You're not the same 'modern' person you were years ago. You are an actual woman living in my time."

I laughed and walked out of her room, "Now hurry up and get ready for the day."

-One week later-

I was starting to wonder when Alex would return home. I would pace around the house and try to find things to occupy myself. I would usually end up playing piano or reading a book most of the time.

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