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All of my friends think I am a happy, normal, average teenager. But I am not. I love my life with a secret that no one knows. Not even my own mother. If she knew she would send me away or be afraid, which I don't want either of those so I keep it locked up in me. Even though it's not that bad. It's like a curse for me, I just want it gone forever.

You know how some kids grow up in only one house in there whole lives? Yea, I am one on those people. I have lived in this house ever since I was born. I don't ever plan on moving either.

I live in a city, you know like New York but less New York. It's a nice city. Okay maybe it is New York but still.  Its basically an average city that you would imagine. I have my life long friend that live here, her name is Nodica Stewarts. We have been bestfriends ever since we were 1 years old.

You know how I said I never intended on moving houses? Or city's? Well. My amazing mother decided that it would be lovely to move 6 hours away from here, into a small town called Hunters Town. But it wasn't for hunting or anything, that was just the name, thank God.

"Where is my-" I cut myself off and turned around slowly and looked at my Rottweiler, Cindy, who likes to chew up anything she sees.

"CINDY!" I grab my favorite shirt from out of her mouth and she looks up at me, does a doggy smile, yet she looks scared. She always made me laugh...
"Dont do it again." She galopped away and went to her food bowl.

I walk back up to my room and put my clothes, including the shirt covered in dog slober, into my bag and I bring it down stairs. We have stacks and stacks of boxes labeled each some thing different. One as kitchen. Some as alaya's room. I sigh and put all the stuff into the car. My mom and I are talking separate cars for two reasons. One so that we can fit all of our stuff into one trip, and two because I have a car also and I am not leaving it behind.

"Mom, this is really really stupid how we have to move hours away from the people I love." I tell her as I begin helping her out her portion on of the stuff into her car.

Let's be honest here, I don't want to make new friends at Hunters Town. I am sure the people there are nice but I want the friends I have now to stay with me. I bet my mom is going to make me make new friends. But I am sure she can't force me to.

"Sweety I am sorry. It is not my fault." What did she mean by that? 'Its not my fault' or is it? She could have secretly said we need to for this reason but in reality we don't have to, she just wants to.

"How is it not your fault? What do you even mean by that." I said more as a statement rather than a question.

"What I mean by it's not my fault is that it's my job. They are going out of business, and I don't not like any of the jobs here. But then Hunters Town offered me a job that pay well." Is that seriously the reason? She needs some better lies if I can see right through the pit of lies she is speaking.

We finished up putting everything in the cars and I made sure to save a space in the passengers seat for Cindy. All though she drools and puts her black fur all over my car, I still love her.

"Okay mom I will just follow you to this place." I told her as we both get into our cars. It's winter time right now, and it's cold. So maybe I should look up some stuff about this Hunters Town and see if there is any history or something odd should know about.

"Okay." She replied. She drove off and I followed behind her.

I know what your thinking, A mother letting her 17 year old daughter drive alone for 6 hours?? Well, I have been practicing ever since I was 15 so it actually is easy for me once I got my license. My mom really did hate the idea of me driving on my own for 6 hours, alone with Cindy, but I really don't think she should worry!

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