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I woke up and got dressed and actually did something with my hair. I put it in a cute messy bun with my side bangs out. I wore contacts today, and put my ring on that was on the dresser.

I walk down the stairs and say hello to my mom.

"Hey Cindy, you hungry?" She gets all exited and wags her tail and paces around the kitchen. Waiting for me to feed her.

I give her food, and I feel nice today so I put a wet can of dog food in with the dry food. I out it down and she eats her food.

I look outside and it looks like it is about to rain. You have gotta be kidding me right? I need to get to school before it rains.

"Love you mom, I need to go." She doesn't look up from what she wa doing but nods her head. I frown slightly and walk out of the door.

Is my mom okay? Did I do something to make her, sad? Is it work? Something that is going on that I don't know about? Why am I messing up constantly?

I still can't help it but to think about if whether or not I am gonna die today. Because I do know that Dolan won't save me all the time, and I don't expect that. But I didn't know that I was gonna die by getting choked out by a vampire. I would much rather jump off of a building and plumit to my death that die by a vampire.

"Alaya!" I hear Adele say happily. I didn't even realize I had walked to school so far.

"Oh hey Adele." I say to her, not sounding like I got stuff on my mind. Not. At. All.

"Are you okay..?" Adele asks me. This is where I studder a lot because I don't know why to even say.

What do I say? That I was just over thinking? I miss my Friends? I am home sick? Too many possibility to say, and yet she wo isn't believe a thing I say.

"Er, uh, yea I am okay, I am just over thinking." Well what are you gonna say if she says what are you over thinking?!?!

Okay so maybe I am over thinking right now, so I technically didn't lie.

"Oh okay." Marli walks up to us and greets us with an amazing smile, like always. "By the way, love you hair." She finished off.

"Thanks." I smile and she smiles back.

"Hey guys, so you guys ready for the haunted houses on Friday?" Marli says and jumpy and happy.

What's her so happy about? Life? Because she us a vampire and doesn't have to worry about dying? Wow she's cool. Chill Alaya. okay.

"I might not go." They both gasp and look at me like I was insane.

"What? Why?" Marli and Adele both say in sync.

"I don't know, I am not a, er, haunted house person." I almost just said that I wasn't a vampire. That would have been a catastrophe.

"Awe man. Maybe you can rethink and we can all go!" Marli says. Maybe I will.

"Alright I will think about it." They both say 'yay' and the bell rings.

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