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I gasp, because I just remembered some thing I have been wanting to do. 
I have always wanted to get really drunk. With or without a friend. I don't care if Dolan will drink or not, I want to, that's bad.

"What?" Dolan asks me in his deep tone, that doesn't sound like the Dolan I know. Sounds like a nicer one.

"Oh I just remembered some thing I have been wanting to do, with or without someone." He gives me a strange looks. Gross. "Not that! Your so stupid. I meant I have always wanted to get drunk." He laughs a little and frowns. I know I shouldn't drink because I am 18, but I mean, not like it would be the first time drinking. Except for this time I would get drunk.

"Don't expect me to get drunk with you, Alaya." Again, his he says my name, just makes me want him more and more.

I don't expect him to get drunk with me, like I said, I will get drunk with or without someone.

"Never expected you to anyways." I walk over to the kitchen and over to her alcohol cabinet. She had all sorts of alcohol in here, like vodka, wine, whiskey, tequila, and rum. Which I don't like rum. I have tried them all, but I never have gotten drunk, like I have said before.

"I don't think you should drink." Dolan says in a more, demanding tone. But knowing me I will probably not even listen to him.

"Do vampires drink?" I ask him, just out of my curiosity. Do they...?

"We can, but most of us choose not too." That's a good thing.

I look in the alcohol cabinet and I see whiskey, maybe I will take some of that, maybe a little of vodka. Maybe a little more whiskey.

I pour a shot of whiskey into the shot glass, and I mentally count to 3. I take the shot and it didn't effect me. So I took another. Then it barley hit me.

"Alaya. I am not joking, no more drinks." I roll my eyes and reach for the vodka.

I need some water to drink right after this because it is quite strong. I pour the vodka into the shit glass, and I internally sigh. What am I doing to myself? I am just ruining the little bit of sane I had left in me. Well, it was gonna be gone sooner or later.

I take the shot if vodka and drink a little water, and it hit me harder than the whiskey. You you What? I am gonna take another because all my sanity is gone. I pour ANOTHER shot glass and that one hut me even harder.

The room started to get only a little blurry, and I was wobbling a little. So I am not that drunk.

"Alaya. Your drunk." What? Why would er, uh, Dolan say that? Just because I had shots of alcohol doesn't mean I am drunk.

"No. I not." I slurred my words. I heard it. I should really


Alaya is drunk, and she says she isn't. But she really is. I can see it in her eyes. Also she is wobbling and slurring her words. I have never been drunk, for the 118 years I have been alive, I have never been drunk.

"Walk in a straight line then." I told her. She scoffed and 'walked' to the living room. Stumbling every step she took.

She stumbles, as she attempts to walk her straight line. She puts her hands out like she is walking the right rope.
She jumps like a crazy person, which made me actually laugh.

"Ahhh, I told you I could walk a straight line." She almost fell to the floor but I caught her.

"Alaya, you need to go to sleep." I felt like I was her mother right now, telling her what she needed to do, but all I was, was a person who protected her. And maybe a friend.

"I can't even walk. So Imma sleep right here." She slithered out of my grip and down onto the floor, and with that, she fell asleep.

I guess I need to take her to her room. And put her on her bed and not the cold hard floor. I pick her up bridal style, and carry her up to her room.

"You'll find her one day, Dolan." That was some thing my father always told me. What he want was, I will find the love of my life that I will love forever eventually. Mortal or immortal. But I don't think I will.

No matter how much girls drool over me, they have never seen the other side of me. The side where I actually care. All the girls see in me is the bad boy side, that doesn't care and has no love to give out.

I set Alaya don't in her bed, and she wakes up.

"Dolan." She said in a serious tone. I sit on the bed, next to her. "You are a very. Very. Important person in my life right now. Just know that." I didn't know if it was true or not, because she is drunk.

"Thanks." If I said anything more than a simple 'thanks' then it's not like she would have remembered. I get up to leave, but she grabs my shirt.

"Wait. Dolan. I won't ever know you forever, maybe until I die, but not forever. And I don't expect you to protect me at all times. If I die, then I die. I am human. I only live 100 years, then I am gone." After that she fell asleep.

I am not a sensitive person, but what she had just said, really got to me.

But not forever.  I only live 100 years, then I am gone.

That kept ringing in my head, over and over again. She is right, she won't be here forever. Only 100 years.

"Goodnight Alaya." All though I know she can't hear me. I walk out of her room and down to her living room.

What? I am not gonna leave her alone, shut it. I mean I don't want to leave her all alone because of Xander. I don't want her killed.

God I told her not to drink, I told her not to go to the Haunted House party thing, and I told her that I wasn't gonna be there to protect her forever. But that last one is obviously a lie. But I didn't want her to drink. It can take her purity and sanity away.

Being a vampire, isn't all fun in games. It's fun because you have super speed, super strength, super hearing and super vision. My brother that died, he once fell in love. He told me....

"She is human, I am not. We won't be with together forever. I didn't change her because I knew she wanted to keep her humanity. I wanted to be with her forever, but I cant." Those where the last words he told me before he..... commited suicide.

Vampires don't sleep, so I will have to wait until she wakes up.

Authors Note

Question: Do you think Dolan actually likes her, or he is just getting mixed up? And do you think that Alaya likes Dolan or someone else?

I am excited for chapter 39. Even though it isnt even close, I am still excited. Well I am still excited for all the chapters. Next 4 chapters will be the weekend, just letting you know. 😊

Oh damn, this chapter is over 1000 words, but my last chapter was almost 4000 words! DAMN.

Just a Thought: What is Xander actually fell for Alaya? Better yet, what if Noah already fell for her and Xander went against Noah and Dolan? OOOOOOOOH.

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