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A/N: alright so this is the last one I'll be publishing for 5 days or a week. Please enjoy.❤

I was glad that Zeke believed me on everything I had told him. But I have a feeling he still has more questions for me. And some in which it may not be in my reach to answer.

I am laying on my bed, debating whether or not to go write in my Journal, or to decorate my room some more, since I haven't finished.

I walk out of my room and go to the forest, I go to that one spot that looked like it was a perfect spot for me to sit on the ground and write. You know who I haven't seen in school, Noah. Oh right, he is home schooled. Right. I want to ask him about the Vampire situation but I don't know.

Dear Diary,
Today has been... awful. Terrifying. Alright. Breath taking. I am the only Human in this school and I thought it would be at least a little easier. I already have an enemy, her name is Laylee. I never thought that Vampires would exist but then I go to this school, and there they are. This one guy Zeke asked what type of Vampire I was, so I lied and said that my mother was him an and father was vampire and then she got turned by him after I was born. So I was half moral and half imortal. Be believed it... I don't get how they hadn't smelt me. I am human, and they are vampires with super smell. Right?

I close my Journal up and put it in my black and blue backpack. I turn around to see a shadow right behind me and I gasp loudly. Oh okay, it's just Noah.

"Noah you scared me!" He say. I push his chest slightly and we laugh a little. I guess we became like close friends.

"Sorry. But I need to talk to you." When someone says that, it's never good. Unless they are pranking you but getting pranked sucks!

"Okay." We begin to walk around the forest and I became more and more anxious of what he was about to say.

Oh c'mon Alaya! It can't be that bad. He might just say something about this Ghost town. And even if he asks a question, answer it best as possible.

"So I like, totally wasn't reading you diary as you were writing in it, but like you said about vampires." He hesitates to speak the rest of what he needed to say and don't tell me he is a vampire too. "I am a.. werewolf. And if I am near you before the day you go to school, take a shower or else they will kill you for being around one. Like now. Take a shower." Wait What? Did I hear Noah correctly? He is a werewolf and the vampires will kill me for being around a wolf? This just makes me very sick. "I understand if you don't want to be my friend any-" I had to cut him off, I still want to be his friend. Because it would be cool to have a vampire friend and a werewolf friend, right? Or will that just cause a huge fight?

"No no, I would love to stay your friend." I hug him and walk away, because I need to take a goooood shower.

I am not gonna try to get killed by a vampire be ause I was hanging out with a werewolf and the vampires smell the wolf, okay wait. This sounds all too fake. Vampires? Werewolves? What's next? Witches?

I walked back into my house and my mom greeted me with a warming smile.

"Honey where were you?" She ask, probably concerned that I have been gone out of the house for an hour with out telling her a thing.

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