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I walked to school yet again today, and I was greeted with a bright smile and my friend. Marli. Its only my second day here and I already have a friend. And I am making friends with Carson. I have a feeling we are gonna be great friends. You know, it is actually scary being around vampires for 8 hours a day you know? No, they don't Alaya. They are around normal human beings, wait, no, some people are just a round humans, some aren't normal but that is okay.

Yesterday at lunch, nothing happend. I was introduced to a girl named Adele, and she was pretty nice. And that was about it. They didn't talk to me about blood because they didn't suspect a thing, thank God.

"I am so sorry I wasn't there for last hour Marli! I was, uh, lost." I really need to work on my lies.

A/N: I didn't say what happen in last hour last chapter. But you will find out soon.

It seemed as if she hasn't believed my lie, but she didn't question it. Gladly.

"I hope you can be there today." I nod my head, sure that I will be there today. And if not, she is gonna get suspicions and follow me or something. "So how did you like Adele? She is nice isn't she?" Yea she really is. I want to ask if vampires can read minds, but If I ask then I will look totally not suspicious at all.

"Oh I loved her, she was really cool." Speaking of Adele, here she comes now. She had one bright green eye and one dark green eye. It made her look very beautiful.

"Huh?" Adele asks out of confusion. Me and Marli five her a funny look, and we all laugh.

"Oh I was asking her if she likes you, and lucky you she loves you!" I felt my cheeks heating up, because I was embarrassed that she had to say it how she did.

I didn't see Carson anywhere,  it I am sure I will see him in my class righy aftee luch, because I have him in there and I sit next to him, luckily. Wait, no I don't. Great.

The bell rang, telling us that we need to get to our first hour class. I walk with Marli to Chemistry to Mrs. Zaleb's classroom. I really don't want to sit next to Cayden because he doesn't like me, wait no because he gives me this, this, strange feeling.

Marli took off and I stood there, about to walk. But these vampires are just so fast that I can't keep up with them! I began to walk to Mrs. Zaleb's class but I feel someone touch my shoulder. I look back and it's a familiar face. He had green eyes with dark brown hair. He looked sorta mad at me, even though I have no idea who he is. And he has no idea who I am. Or did I?

"Can I help you?" I ask, trying not to piss off this guy even more than he already was.

"Your the new girl who doesn't drink blood. How come?" I have been here a day and people are already suspecting things. That is the last thing I need right now. I new to focus on surviving high school, litreally.

"Because I am half human, and half vampire. It's rare." He scoffed, but believing a word I had just said.

"How?" Ugh all these vampires sure do ask a whole lot of questions, can't they just nod there head and walk away?

"My mom was human when she gave birth to me, but my father was vampire. She was gonna die until my dad bit her and she turned vampire." He rolled his eyes, again still not believing a word I had said. I walk away but he grabs my wrists so tight, that it hurt a lot.

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