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I woke up not in my own room. I remember barley anything, only that Xander bad threw me and someone took me here. I sat up, with no pain. But I remember the pain I had yesterday, it hurt like hell.

I also remember being at someone's house, not mine, and I saw Noah looking worried. I get up with no pain, which is confusing because I remember the pain. I walk around, perfectly fine. I look around and my vision is fine, everything is fine. I look at myself from the mirror on the wall, and I had no cuts or bruises. And this is where I had to think.

I hear someone walk in and it's Noah.
He sits down on the bed and so do I. Wait what am I even wearing? I look down and it's leggings and a tank top. Who changed me? Weiirdd.

"How am I not sore? I remember getting hurt yesterday." I asked him. He looked down at the floor, and then up at me.

"I don't know, but let's get you home. You have school." What time is it? I look out the window and it looks like the normal time I would wake up.


I got dressed and noticed a bruise on my waist. It hurt, but luckily it was covered by my clothes.

I go down stairs, looking around for my mom. She was no where to be found until I see a bright yellow sticky note in the fridge. I pick it off of the fridge and I read it.

Hun I hope you feel better. Adriana took very good care of you. Go to school and stay around you friends, please. Love you. -mom

Well it didn't say where she was, but I had to get to school. I wasn't sore, but I did feel weaker than normal. But I will be okay. I look on my finger and I see my ring, at least it isn't gone.

When I walk into this school, I have a feeling that I will be questioned. I also think that people will give me weird looks. Just stuff I am used to.

I can't remember everyday that had happened, like I don't remember what me and Xander were saying to each other. All I remember was him just throwing me and then someone unknown picking me up and I was at Adrianas house.

I step foot into the school and everyone comes up to me, but I only put my head down and walk to my friends. I don't see Marli or Adele anywhere, but I do see Carson. I won't tell him what happened because I will only cause more double than I already have.

"Alaya! What is going on." Carson asks me. I grin and hug him. We both walk away to a more quiet place, with no one around.

"I don't remember, but I feel weaker." If I said I had a bruise, then he would have instantly knew I was Human. And that is the last thing I need.

"Alaya.. you'll be okay." I really do hope so. Because the more I try to think about what had happened, then more I forget. So all I will remember is me getting thrown and someone saving me.

The bell rang and I got up quickly and walked to my class with my head down. I bumped into someone, yay. Great.

"Sorry." I didn't look up, I just mumbled it. So it could have been Xander or Laylee.

I walk up to Marli and she gives me a concerned look. Probably like where the hell did I go yesterday. I nod know if anyone knows, but I doubt it.

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