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I put all of my stuff that is needed to go into my room in my room. It was almost 7 trips but that is okay. Cindy kept getting in the way by following me everywhere I went, oh, she is probably hungry and thirsty.

I walk downstairs and put food in her food bowl and water in her water bowl. My mom walks in with 2 heavy looking boxes in her hand. She sets them down in the living room and looks at me and weakly smiles. She is probably exhausted!

"So where am I going to for school?" I ask my mom. She walks over to the kitchen marble island and pulls out a sticky note that said some thing. Why didn't she just say some thing?  She walk out of the house without saying a thing and I roll my eyes.

"I guess I should see what it says." I whisper to my self. As you can tell I talk to my dog and myself a lot, even if I am not a lonely person. But I will be because I don't want new friends.
I walk over to the marble kitchen island and look at the bright yellow sticky note. I don't pick it up I just read it.

     Your new school is Hunters High. You will need to find it on your own and you will NOT use your car. You must go down the the high now for you uniforms. And I mean it Alaya. No. Car.

She made it very clear that I wasn't aloud to use a car, so I will obey her orders. I groan out of annoyance because she didn't even give me directions to this stupid high school.

"Alright Cindy, be a good girl. I will be back in a hour tops okay?" Cindy looks at me with her chocolate brown eyes and looks down back at her food. Okay so I am a little weird for talking to my dog, but doesn't everyone do that? No?         Okay.

I walk out of my door and I I feel a pair of eyes on me. I don't hesitate one bit to look back, I see a man in regular clothes, eyeing me. Watching my every move I make. I look forward and continue to walk, where is Hunters High? I don't know why are you asking me?

Maybe this place won't be so bad, but I am pretty sure New York will be much better. Maybe there is a neighbor that I could be friends with or something.

I really want to know the real reason we moves to an empty town with absolutely nothing here. I look around and see no high school, or any building with that. Oh wait, I think i see it.

Hunters High, home of the Foxes.

The sign read. I sigh and walk over to this school. For an empty town with only a little over 2000 people living here, this school was pretty big. About the size of my old school but smaller.

I open the glass doors and I see a lady, who appears to look about in her mid 30's.

"You must be Alaya Brisket, correct?" She asks me. I walk up closer to the desk she was at and this place wasn't dull at all. This town is completely different than I thought it would be.

"Yes, yes I am." I tell the lady. She had green eyes with black hair tired up in a tight bun. She had glasses and she was wearing a blue pollo tee-shirt with skinny jeans. And I believe classic Nike's.

"Here is your uniform, and I will have someone show you around Hunters High on Monday okay?" She told me. The uniforms were Indigo blue shirts that had 3 buttons, and we had a choice of a skirt or pants. Which the skirt looks better. And the long socks went up right below the knee, they were just plain white. The shows were what ever we wanted so that was good. The worst part is, we had to wear a tie, well that isn't the worst part but still.

"Okay um, thank you." I grab my uniform frown the desk and walk out, but she yells my name. I look back at her and come back inside.

"You don't have to wear the tie, instead you can wear a lanyard with you picture on it. It's called a student ID. Most students wear this." I guess I should at least try to blend in Right? What's the worst that would happen, I mean I am at a new town and new school and new people. Sometimes you gotta blend in.

"Uh um yea sure." I put the uniform down on the desk and step in front of the camera, and into the red X that is on the floor. I smile and she takes the picture and puts it on this ID thing. She clips it onto a lanyard and gives it to me. I smile weakly and grab my uniform and walk out.

Looks like it's about to rain. Great. Just my luck. I walk home the same way I came from and I manage to make my way home, without getting lost!! At least I didn't look like a lost puppy roaming the streets looking for it's owner.

"Cindy!" I say as she follows me up to me room. I hang up this uniform, but I should try it on to see what it looks like on me.....

I out it on and put my hair up. I think I look good, although I probably dont. I look at myself in the mirror on my closet, and I look stupid. Don't get me wrong I look good but I look like a nerd because I have glasses.

"Just suck it up and wear it Alaya!" I say to myself. I can talk to myself loudly because no one is home!

I take it off and put my leggings and shirt back on. Along with my Adidas shoes. When should my mom be home??

I hear a car pull in and Cindy barks and runs so fastly down the stairs. I follow her and I don't just see my mom. I see my mom with someone who I am assuming is her friend and her assuming friend kid. Which looks my age.

"Mom? Where you and who are they?" I ask my mom as I walk up to her. She smiles and looks happier than she did when she left.

"This is Adriana my friend. She is the reason we moved." Are you kidding me?! She is joking Right? We moved because of her friend?! UM, I have friend too but not here! "This is her son, Noah. He is your age." I roll my eyes and pout. This is stupid! Absolutely insane! Is she not oblivious that I have friends back 6 hours away and we has ONE friend here?!?!?! Calm down Alaya. Make friend with Noah. He walks up to me and smiles. Which in case you didn't know, the smile didn't fase me at all.

"I'm Noah." No. Really? I thought you were Shawn Mendas.

"I'm Alaya." I say with a forced smile. I can be really mean some times I just don't show it. Now if he really was Shawn Mendas then that would be a story! "Well I gotta go unpack my room so I will uh, catch up with you later." I smile and walk up to my room, sassy exit, uh check!!

Authors Note

Alright I made it 500 words shorter. But how did you like this one? I know I said it would be better which it wasn't at all. But just wait until chapter 4, that's when school starts.
Book + School + New Girl= JUICEY

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