Naruto Uzumaki

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Two bags in one hand and a book in the other, Yn walked through the village on her way home from the market when a certain knucklehead ran into her, knocking her flat on her behind.

"Woah," she mumbled to herself, blinking her eyes repeatedly, trying to overcome the wave of dizziness washing over her.

"G-gomen Yn, I wasn't paying attention," he apologized, a slight blush dusting his cheeks. "Uh, here! Let me help you up," he stretches his hand out.

She takes his hand, allowing him to gently pull her upright, "It's alright Naruto, I should have been more aware of my surroundings." Still holding her hand, he grabs the grocery bags and starts walking off toward her house.

They had been friends long before becoming ninja. Years ago, when Yn was a small girl, her family moved from a tiny town to the big village of Konoha. She'd never seen so many shops, and food, and people. Her family was out exploring when a floating butterfly lantern flew by and caught her eye.

She chased the lantern for a while, trying to catch it and eventually got lost. She was alone, in a dark abandoned alley, until Naruto that is. Even as a child, Naruto heard her cries and came to her rescue. He not only managed to find Yn, but he was able to reunite her with her family as well. From that day on, her heart was his.

"Well um Yn, I was actually on my way here anyway. I-I kinda wanted to ask you something..." he trailed off looking a bit nervous. They'd reached her small house by now, she opened the door and invited him inside.

"What did you want to ask me?" she asked as she grabbed the bags from him and started putting the groceries away.

"There's this bonfire tonight and all of us are going. I was wondering if you'd wanna go with me?" he asked avoiding eye contact. "Sasuke's bringing Sakura and Sai is bringing Ino and I wanted to know if I could bring you?" he scratched the back of his neck looking completely nervous now.

"Is this a date?" she questions, butterflies erupting in her stomach.

"If you want it to be?" he smiles slightly.

"O-okay then. When are you coming back to pick me up?" she asks, and his eyes light up in a way she's never seen before.

"I'll be back around 7 so be ready datte bayo!" he yells excitedly as he ran out the door. She shakes her head and giggles watching his excitement.


Yn had just finished putting on her mascara when I heard a knock at the door. She checked herself one last time before running to the door, where she was greeted with a huge smile.

"Wow Yn, you look beautiful. Everyone's gonna be so jealous," Naruto says making her face flush with warmth yet again.

"D-don't stare, its rude," she mutters in fake annoyance as she grabs his hand and starts walking to the bonfire. "Let's get going before we're late!"


They all sat around the fire roasting marshmallows, telling stories about the chunin exams, and just enjoying each other's company.

"Yn," Naruto leans over whispering in her ear, placing her attention solely on him.

Is this guy trying to kill her?

"Y-yes Naru?" she utters, trying to keep her breathing under control.

"You look really beautiful in the light of the flames," he whispers.

All she can focus on is how his lips tingle against her ear.

"Thank y-you," she blushes madly, unable to bring herself look at him.

"Your lips look really beautiful too Yn." he whispers seductively.


This is it; this is how she dies...

"Can I taste them, Yn?" he whispered, nuzzling her neck.

At this point she was too far gone, trapped in Naruto's affection. "Yes," she whispers.

Naruto wasted no time, he grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her passionately. Yn could faintly make out the sounds of their friends cheering in the background, but all she could really focus on was Naruto's marshmallow kisses.

All too soon he pulled away and smiled sweetly at her, tucking a lock of curly hair behind her ear.

"You're my girlfriend now Yn."

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