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Today was Yn's day off and she planned to spend it relaxing at home reading her favorite series, Icha Icha Paradise. She had secretly borrowed it from Kakashi-sensei one day and fell in love. She had always been a closet pervert, but she didn't know Kakashi-sensei was too! She now had a growing collection of Master Jiraya's books. Yn lounged on the couch immersed in the latest release, it was getting particularly steamy when she heard a knock at the door.

"Who dares to disturb my pervy time?" she muttered inserting the bookmark and shoving the book in the side of the couch between the cushion and the arm rest. She gets up and walks to the door glancing through the peephole.


Yn opens the door and offers Sai a gentle smile. "Hey Sai, what's up?"

"Yn, I had today off, and I knew you had today off as well, so I wanted to come over and hangout with you? I read in a book that friends like to spend time with each other," he says with an awkward smile of his own.

He's so cute, I guess this is worth disturbing pervy time. She steps to the side and opens the door to the small apartment. "Come on in Sai"

"Y-you can call me kun if you'd like. Sakura calls Sasuke kun." He offers with a slight blush as he walks in.

"Sakura calls Sasuke kun because she's been in love with him since we were kids." Yn responds closing the door. "Have a seat on the couch, I'll get us some snacks and tea."

"Alright Yn," she notices Sai wandering off to the living room area and heads to the kitchen to get the snacks ready.

She heats up some popcorn and grabs a container of sliced apples. Placing the snacks and tea on a serving tray, Yn heads out to the living room area. As she turns the corner, she sees Sai reading her latest book.

N-nooo! Sai my precious sweet cinnabun is being exposed to my perversions!! Yn nearly drops the whole tray in shock. She hastily sits the tray on the coffee table and rushes over to grab the book from him.

"S-sai, what are you doing?!" she yells arms outstretched for the book, but he holds it out of her reach. He holds her back, effortlessly, with one hand and continues reading with the other.

"Yn, I had no idea you were such a pervert," he smirks. "He gripped her hair tighter, deepening the kiss as his other hand slowly teased its way dow-"

"Don't!" She jumps over, covering his mouth. "D-don't read another word Sai," she looks away feeling her face get warm.

"Knn" he says with her hand still on his mouth.

"Huh?" she questions, removing her hand from over his mouth.

"I want you to call me kun Yn," he states, all forms of teasing gone from his face.

Yn just looks at him, heart running a mile per minute.

"Whenever I'm near you," he continues, "my heart does this flutter thing and when you leave on missions without me it hurts. I...I read in a book that this feeling is called love. I think I love you Yn, and that's why I want you to call me kun."

Did he just say what she thought he said? Her mind questions.

"A-are you going to say something Yn?" Sai questions nervously, interrupting her inner monologue.

"Are you getting nervous Sai? I didn't know you had so many emotions," she teases lightheartedly.

"Maybe a bit." He says with a breathy chuckle. "I've never really possessed these kinds of feelings before meeting you," a goofy smile graces his face.

Yn's heart swells at this smile, it's genuine. It's Sai, her cinnabun. She can't stop herself from leaning in, lightly pressing a kiss to his nose. Pulling away a goofy smile reflects on her face, mirroring his. "Me too... Sai-kun."

Suddenly Sai flips them over and smirks down at her.

"Don't think that our confessions have made me forget about your little book collection. In fact, you've piqued my interest even more. I want to try all of these things out with the woman I love," he declares confidently.

" wanna what?!" she yells blushing madly, he's made a complete 180 from the cute clueless boy she'd come to know.

He leans forward, his face in her neck. "You heard me. I want to make love to you Yn. I want to make love to you in every room and on every surface of this tiny apartment. I can take care of you love. I know what to do, the books told me," he says kissing and biting on her neck.

This is no sweet cinnabun.

His hands slowly trail up and down her thighs giving leaving shivers in their wake. "Is that something you might be interested in love?" His tongue licks roughly up her neck.

God? Is that you?

"I-I..." she's left a speechless blushing mess yet again.

Sai leans up to look down at her. "This is the first time I've seen you so speechless, love;" he chuckles.

"Sh-shut up Sai-kun," Yn mumbles looking away.

"Well anyway," he says getting up and grabbing her hands to pull her up. "Before I make love to you, I must take you out on a proper date. I wanna show all of Konoha that Yn is now my girlfriend."

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