Shikamaru Nara

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"Shika, wake up you lazy bum!" Yn yelled. She had been looking all over for Shikamaru and of course, when she found him, he was lying in the field.

"I wanted your help moving the furniture in my new apartment," she mumbled. Shikamaru was just lying there, staring at the clouds.

Welp, she thought, time to step it up.

"I was even thinking after you help me set everything up, you could help me break in the new bed Shika. It's extra soft and comfy, perfect for...napping," she kneeled behind him, whispering in his ear. Shikamaru stiffened and she could see a slight blush growing on his face.

Got him!

"Troublesome woman." he sighed as he started to get up, dragging her along with him. "Let's get it done, but you're cooking me dinner." he chuckles, leading them away from the field.



Shikamaru worked hard moving the furniture and making the apartment feel like a home, so Yn decided to make a nice meal to show her appreciation. She was just putting the last of the vegetables in the baking pan to pair with a roasted chicken when she felt arms sliding to rest on her hips.

"What's up Shika?" she asked trying to keep her voice even.

"I'm really hungry..." he mumbled, burying his face in her neck, basking in her scent.

"Well Shika, dinner will be ready in 30 minutes." she says as she puts the meal in the oven, putting just a bit of distance between the two. She starts to clean up the mess, distracting herself from Shikamaru's lips.

Shikamaru chuckled lightly, "Are you avoiding me Yn?"

"And why would I be doing that Shika?" she asks, a hint of nerves in her voice.

"Hmm, maybe because I have you all alone in this apartment. We have no one to barge in on us or interrupt us anymore." he said slowly inching toward her.

She finished the dishes and turn to look at him defiantly. "I'm not afraid of being alone with you."

"Afraid isn't the word I'd use. It feels more like nerves," he says lifting her chin gently, glancing down at her lips before looking back up to her eyes, "I'd never do anything you didn't want, you know that. Can I kiss you?"

Yn rolls her eyes, "Since when do you ask for kisses?" she mumbles, a begonia pigment gracing her face.

"Since you started feeling nervous, I have to make sure my troublesome woman is comfortable around me. So can I kiss you?" He says looking at her, smirking with his kind eyes.

"Yes Shikamaru, you may kiss me." she mumbles looking away from him.

"What was that? I didn't hear you," he said chuckling.

"K-kiss me you idiot!" she yells feeling flustered. 

Shikamaru then wrapped his arms around her waist, slowly closing the space between them. When they were chest to chest, finally, he brought his lips down to hers enclosing them in a sweet kiss. Yn gently brings her arms around his neck as the kiss deepens. She feels Shikamaru's tongue swiping along her bottom lip and opens her mouth, allowing him entrance. He lifts her onto the countertop, getting lost in her lips. His hands caress her thighs as his lips leave hers, trailing their way down her neck-


The timer erupts signaling that dinner was ready. Yn leaps from the counter and pulls on her oven mitts. She grabs the pot from the oven, and sets it down on the stove top.

"Well Shika, I guess dinner is ready. Will you set the table please?" she giggles, finding amusement in his pain.

Shikamaru shakes his head and walks to the dining area with a chuckle, "Anything you say. Troublesome woman..."

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