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Yn has had a crush on Kiba since they were in the academy together. One day when practicing kunai throwing skills with the rest of the class, a rouge kunai came flying toward her. Before she could even react, Kiba had pulled her out of the way holding her to his chest.

"You alright there squirt?" He asked looking down at her with a concerned smile.

"I-I..yes, I'm fine. Thank you Kiba," she looked up at him in adoration, a slight blush dusting her cheeks.

This started her ongoing crush on Kiba.

"Daydreaming about Kiba again Yn?" Naruto smirks at the shy girl sitting under the tree.

"N-no, I was just thinking about what to have eat tonight." She states looking away from Naruto's prying eyes.

"When are you going to stop acting so scared and talk to him?" He asks taking a seat next to her under the tree.

"I am not scared." She crosses her arms in frustration.

"Oh yeah? Then how come you always freeze up when he approaches you?" Naruto eyes her suspiciously.

"I do not! He just always catches me off guard."

"Pfft, yeah right! Ever since I almost hit you with a kunai that day you've looked after him like a lovesick puppy." Naruto laughs, "you're so hopeless Yn."

"I don't have to listen to this," she yells standing up and walking away from Naruto.

"Stupid Naruto, I'm not a lovesick puppy," she mutters not watching where she's going. "I just have a hard time conveying my feelings. It's not my fault, whenever I see him my heart speeds up and my words get jum-"


"W-what was that?" Yn looks around in search of the noise. In her rant she made it up to the clearing near the mountain base.

Another crash is heard and she wastes no time jumping into action. As she gets closer to the origin of the crash she notices Kiba. From the looks of it, it seems he was practicing and the boulder collapsed before he could get away.

"Crap, really?" Kiba sighs at the situation he got himself in. All he wanted to do was practice to get stronger. He didn't want to always have to rely on Akamaru. Yes they were partners but he had to be able to protect Akamaru. He had to be stronger to protect the ones he held dear to him.

"S-seems you've gotten yourself in a tough spot...squirt," Yn approaches him using the name he called her all those years ago.

"Squirt huh?" He smirked at her boldness. Usually she was a shy, blushing, mumbling mess around him. She was still shy and blushing but at least he could understand her clearly.

She blushes, lowering her eyes to the stones covering Kiba's lower half. "Y-you used too much chakra, allow me to help," she starts moving the stones off his legs.

"Not like I have much choice," he chuckles watching her.

"You really shouldn't put yourself in such situations Kiba," she scolds getting the last of the stones off him.

"It's not like I went looking to be crushed by stones Yn," Kiba defends.

"I know that," she says thoughtfully while inspecting his injuries, "but still, we're ninja. We can't protect anyone if we can't protect ourselves."

He smiles taking in her beauty as she goes to work on his injuries. This is the Yn he likes, the fearless Yn who jumps into action. No hesitation.

"You have a sprained ankle by the way," she announces as she applies ointment to the many scrapes and cuts along his legs, "you should probably stay of of it for a few days."

"I like it when you're like this," Kiba says watching for her reaction, "usually you're blushing and stuff."

"Th-that's because I'm focused on your injuries right now," she says wrapping his ankle.

"Oh?" Kiba chuckles, "then what are you usually focused on?"

She looks up with wide eyes realizing what she said, "" A blush erupts on her face and she looks back down at his ankle, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Kiba just smiles as she finishes bandaging him up, with one last band-aid to his cheek he's all patched up.

She stands up with a smile, "all done." She reaches out a hand to help him up.

"Thank you Yn, seriously." He says smiling down at her.

Suddenly she bends down in front of him. "Hop on." She smiles looking back at him.

"W-what? I'm not gonna piggy back you!" Kiba yells with blush.

"Yes you are! I just told you that you have to stay off of it, that means you can't walk home!" She yells back at him. "Now get on."

"F-fine," Kiba says reluctantly hopping on.

It's a strange sight, big brawny Kiba riding piggy back on on the tiny Yn. He buried his face in her neck, hiding the growing blush on his face, he'd never thought he'd be in such a situation with his dream girl.

Yes, Kiba was in love with Yn. He often teased her about how shy she was around him but he secretly loved it. He loved that he could put such warmth on her face and that she only had eyes for him.

His keen ears could hear Yn's heartbeat picking up and he smirked as he got an idea. He blew on her neck before placing a light lick along her collarbone.

She shivered and her footsteps faltered. "K-kiba, w-what are you d-doing?" She mumbled her face 50 shades of red.

"You'd better calm down Yn or people will suspect something," he whispers huskily in her ear biting it with his canines gently afterwards.

"H-how can I stay calm if you're d-doing that?" she whispers harshly back at him.

"I dunno," he shrugs nipping at her neck causing a quiet moan to slip from her mouth, "you like that Yn? Such a naughty girl," he teases.

"I-I can't help it when you do that," she blushes even more.

He kisses her cheek and buries his face back in her neck, just resting there while she carries him home.

"Be my girlfriend?" Kiba asks out of the blue.

That was about all the shy girl could take. She passed out, dropping both herself and Kiba.

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