Neji Hyuuga

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"Just ask her out already man, what are ya waitin' for?!" A certain knucle head exclaimed in frustration. He had been trying to get Neji to speak to his crush all day, and now that they were both in the same room he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"I can't just go over and ask her out idiot! What if she says no? Besides she's eating with her friends." Neji sulked as he eyed her form across the restaurant. He had no problem with leading missions or helping with training but when it came to Yn he was a mess. 

"You're the idiot here, I'm bringing my crush to the bonfire tonight," Naruto says smugly, "besides scaredy cat, she has a huge crush on you too. She won't say no."

"And how would you know she has a huge crush on me?" Neji eyes Naruto suspiciously. 

"I asked her, duh!" Naruto laughs.

"Why would you ask that?! Now she's gonna think I like her!" Neji panics sweat building on his forehead.

"You do like her!" Naruto yells frustrated. 

"Hey! Yn, over here!" Naruto hollers waving her in their direction. As he sees her getting up he decides to leave the two.

"W-where are you going?!" Neji whisper yells at him.

"Haven't you heard Hyuga? Three's a crowd." Naruto chuckles and walks off leaving a nervous Neji.

Neji tries his best to compose himself while Yn approaches him. 

"Hi Neji, wasn't Naruto here a second ago?" She asked glancing around to see where he could have gone.

"He uh, he said he had to go check on Hinata," Neji lied.

"Oh okay. Well while I'm here," she sat down across from him, "I wanted to ask you something if you don't mind..Neji-kun." She smiles sweetly.

"O-oh?" She could see him growing nervous and giggled lightly. She knew what Naruto was doing and she was more than happy to take the opportunity with the shy boy. 

"There's this bonfire thing tonight and I hear everyone's coupling up, whatdaya say?" She asks simply, as if she were asking the time of day. Neji couldn't get how she was so calm and collected. He wanted to barf.

"C-couple? You and m-me?" He asked making sure he heard right. 

"Well yeah. I mean, you like me and I like you so why not?" She giggles at his expression.

"Y-you like me?" Neji asks with a slight blush.

"I do Neji-kun. I'm gonna go and get ready for our date, pick me up at eight." She says leaving the restaurant.


Neji was a nervous wreck at standing at her door waiting for eight to come. He'd arrived ten minutes before eight. He didn't want to be late for his first date, especially one with the girl of his dreams. He was checking his hair and his breath one last time when the front door opened catching him off guard.

"Were you really going to stand there until eight? " She giggled at his flustered state.

"W-well you said to pick you up at eight and I didn't want to rush you." He explained. He holds up a bouquet of flowers to her. "I got these for you, I hope they're alright." He smiles sweetly.

"They're beautiful," she says eyes lighting up as she smells them. "Come in, I'll put these in some water and then we can head out."

Neji follows her inside taking in the appearance of her modest apartment. "You have a nice home Y-" He follows her into the kitchen to see Yn bent over looking for a vase in her bottom cabinet. He clears his throat and adverts his eyes, a slight blush on his face. 

"Sorry Neji-kun," she says getting up, "I can't seem to remember where I put my vase." She walks to the other end of the kitchen and opens the upper cabinet. "Ha! There it is!" She cheers cute standing on her tippie toes to reach it. "You're too small," Neji chuckles as he reaches out to grab it for her, his chest rubbing against her back.

"I-I am not too small, I just needed to climb on the counter the reach it!" She defends turning around to face him. She blushes at how close they were, she could see every detail of his opal eyes.

"Your eyes truly are beautiful Neji-kun," she says as if in a trance, lost in his eyes.

"Your lips tuly are beautiful Yn," Neji says surprised to hear the words come out of his mouth, where did this confidence come from?

He sat the vase on the counter behind her, trapping her between his arms in the process. He looked down at her enjoying the blush that slowly spread across her face. He couldn't fight the urge to kiss her, she looked so beautiful staring up at him with her big doe eyes. 

"I really want to kiss you Yn," he says looking from her lips to her eyes for permission.

"What are you waiting for?" She asked blushing at his sudden personality change.

He wasted no time slamming his lips to hers. He placed one hand on her waist, the other tangled in her hair deepening the kiss. He felt ecstatic, he was kissing his dream girl and she was actually kissing him back. She responded, melting into his arms enjoying each passing second. Neji broke free of the kiss to allow them both a quick breather. 

"We might be a little late to the bonfire." Neji smirked before pulling her in for another kiss.

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