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| 𝙹𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅 |

It was Thursday, and Jennie and I have art classes together with Taehyung.

Today, our class were on a trip to the school's art museum where known paintings and beautiful masterpieces of talented students were displayed.

Jennie clung onto my right arm as we head out to the museum. Taehyung was right beside me whistling to a tune I had never heard of before but it had a beautiful melody.

When we arrived, Jennie tugged me and dragged me to go watch some artifacts as Taehyung went to check out Van Gogh's Starry Night as it was his said favorite.

I grabbed my notepad and pen from my sling bag and began jotting down notes, particularly the names of the artifacts along with other necessary details such as its origin.

Jennie on the other hand just looked at every artifact, examining it with keenful eyes, almost like glaring at them. I smiled at her cuteness.

"So." Jennie said as she crossed her arms and looking at me.

"What?" I said back as I raised my eyebrows at her. Placing back my notepad and pen inside my bag as I was through with writing.

"Do you like Jin?"

"I don't know." I said as I clutched onto my bag harder.

"I think I gave you the wrong question. Let me change it. Do you hate Jin?"

"What? Of course I don't!" I said in a sudden outburst.

"Oh so you like him?" She said smirking when she knew I was trapped.

"Just because I don't hate him doesn't mean I like him you know." I said as I pouted.

"You know he obviously likes you, and you know how we all badly want you two to end up together ever since we were freshmen."

"Just because he likes me...doesn't mean I should also like him back. And just because you guys want us to be together...doesn't mean we should end up together too."

"Of course. But I could sense it. When you're together, you seem different. But in a good way, okay? So I think you being with him will be the best for you."

"What do you mean?"

"I feel like you're keeping something from us. Like something's wrong. Like you're hiding. I may be wrong. But I feel like when you're with us, I feel like you're wearing a mask. But when you're with Jin, it's like...you let go of that mask. And we get to see a glimpse of who you are too when we watch you from afar."

"I-" I stopped talking. I couldn't finish my sentence as I was yet again on the verge of crying. I didn't want to let her know, of how I truly felt inside. I just bowed down my head.

"I'm right aren't I? But I think..we are also at fault here. I think you're wearing a mask because of us. Is it because we all look up to you as someone who is strong? Someone we could rely on when we needed help? So you were afraid to show to us your weak side, because you were our source of strength?"

"I didn't want to be a bother okay."

"A bother?"

"I didn't want to add up to your burdens in life. I can learn to deal with my own problems without dragging you guys in it."

"Ah I see. But didn't you think that was a bit unfair Jisoo-ah? When we are hurting, we turn to you and we share the pain. But when you are hurting, you hide it to yourself and the pain accumulates."

I stood there not knowing what to say. Tears slowly run down my cheeks like a river.

"Don't you trust us?"

"I do! I just don't want to hurt you guys!" I said in a loud whisper.

Jennie smiles at me as she took out her handkerchief and wiped my tears away.

"Jisoo-ah. Stop hiding yourself from us. Share your pain, and stop faking your happiness. We are more than your friends. We're family remember?" She said as she pulled me in an embrace.

"I'm sorry Jennie-ah" I said as she hushed me and hugged me tighter. "I promise no more lies." I continued as she flicks my forehead. "Yah!"

As we both ended up laughing together. I felt like another heavy load from my shoulders were lifted up.

"What are you two laughing at?" Taehyung says as he nears us both.

"Nothing." We both replied in unison.

"Hmm okay?? Girl species are so weird." He said as he gave us a weird look.

We three then continued watching other art in the museum.

Me and Jennie holding our hands together smiling while Taehyung was being forcedly dragged by Jennie along with us, pouting.

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