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| 𝙹𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅 |

After my Art Appreciation class with Jennie and Taehyung, I had an entire morning left to myself.

Since my next classes was later in the afternoon. Meanwhile Jennie and Taehyung had Math together next so I was left alone all by myself. Lisa, Rosé and the rest of the gang were probably having their classes too as of the moment.

So I absentmindedly walked along the corridors until my feet led me to a place I was scared to visit for quite some time now...the piano room.

It's been a while since I last came to visit a place like this. The sight of any piano always gave me the chills as it reminded me of that terrible night that happened to my family.

I didn't know I was already crying until I felt my tears cascade down my cheeks like heavy rain. Ah, why does such a beautiful sight pain me so much. I clutched my heart and was about to turn around until I bumped into a hard chest that I know too well.

"Jisoo-ah?" Seokjin said as he wrapped his arms protectively around me. "Do you want to come inside?"

I shook my head no.

"Do you want to hear me play?"

I shook my head more.

"Please?" He said softly and all I did was to nod shyly.

He grabbed my hands and led me inside. I sat beside him as he began to softly and gracefully play a beautiful tune I have never heard of.

I close my eyes as I listened intently to the tune, then my heart begins to beat fast as Seokjin starts to sing a beautiful heartwarming song.

[Imagine Seokjin singing "Awake" for you]

I opened my eyes and glanced at Seokjin, he looked so peaceful with his eyes closed as he played the piano and sang more. Ah, what a sight to behold.

Seokjin finishes his piece and looks at me with a loving smile.

I blushed and turned away from him.

"Was it good?" He questions and I nod my head frantically. "Did you like it?" He continued.

"I did." I said and he smiled at me more.

"I'm glad you did." He replied as he held my hands and placed them on the keyboard.

I flinched and retrieved my hands back.

"'s okay. Didn't you love playing the piano before when we were kids?" He beckons me.

And I smile as I remembered how it felt good as I struck every key.

"I know you miss playing why don't you try and give it a go?" He says as he nudges me.

I sighed and started to play a familiar song I've been meaning to play since I heard it.

[Imagine Jisoo playing to the tune of "Really"]

Seokjin smiles at me as he watches me play the piano with ease and expertise. Soon enough I stopped playing and smiled. Seokjin pokes my cheeks and pats my head.

"It wasn't that bad, was it?"

And I shook my head in response to his question.

"Thanks." I said as he gave me a reassuring smile. "I have to get going. Can't be late for the rehearsal for tomorrow's presentation." I said as I stood up.

"Wait Jisoo-ah!" He said as he grabbed a hold of my wrist. I gave him a questioning look and tilted my head on the side. "If my group gets the highest grade for tomorrow's presentation, you'll have to allow me to court you."

I laugh at his eagerness and hold his hand too. "But what if our group wins?"

"Then...uhmmm" he thinks for a bit. "You can have a choice to date me or not??" He said unsure of himself.

"Okay. Deal." I said offering a handshake and he took it hesitantly.

"Goodluck then Seokjin Oppa!" I said waving goodbye as I rushed outside, leaving Seokjin flustered after being called Oppa.

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