Chapter Nine

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I glare at my reflection in the changing room mirror.

"Andrews!" I yell. "What the hell is this?"

I hear Dallas laugh and roll my eyes. I look over myself one more time. I'm wearing a tight, black, quite skimpy, bikini. Last summer, I was shopping with my friends and someone dared me to buy it. I wasn't going to chicken out and it was cheap, so I bought it.

Thinking about it now, the only reason it was cheap is probably because it doesn't cover anything.

"Aww," Dallas says. "C'mon! It can't be that bad."

I curl my hands into fists and throw the change room door open. "Really?" I snarl. "That bad!?"

Dallas's jaw just about hits the floor. I can't help but laugh at his reaction. He gives a low chuckle and I raise an eyebrow.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He asks.

"What was I thinking?!" I exclaim. "You're the asshole you brought it!"

"Well why did you buy that?" Dallas questions.

"It was a dare," I reply with a shrug, slipping on a black and white tank top over the bikini.

"A dare?" I nod my head in reply and Dallas smirks. "Why did you agree?"

"I don't know. It was a dare. You can't back out on a dare."

"You can't?" Dallas asks and I can see the wheels turning in his mind.

"No," I say slowly. "You can't..."

"Avril," he says. I turn to look at him. "I dare you to wear that swimsuit without that tank top."

I bite my lip and glare at him. "In your dreams, idiot."

"You can't back out on a dare," Dallas says, mocking me.

I groan and flip him the middle finger, before taking off the tank top. "Fine," I say. "Now, lets go."

"Gladly," Dallas says with a smirk. His eyes take in my very visible body. I place my fingers under his chin and bring his gaze to meet my eyes.

"Eyes off the prize, darling," I tease.

Dallas blushes, which sends me into a laughing fit. He shoots me a glare, crossing his arms over his chest. I stop laughing and give him an apologetic shrug.

"Okay, Ms. Funny," he says and grabs my wrist. "Let's go."

I let him drag me over to the first water slide. It's the tallest and longest one, racing around two other slides.

"Oh hell no," I say, eyeing the part that sends you down a twenty foot, steep, drop.

"Scared, Connor?" Dallas asks.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "No. God, no. I was just worried about you," I say.

Dallas laughs. "You? Worried about me?" He winks. "That's cute."

"Get over yourself!" I snap and push him into the pool he's standing beside. I smile triumphantly but then scream as he grabs my ankle and pulls me in with him.

"Asshole!" I sputter and kick him in the shin. He just grins as my hit has no effect on him. I frown, glaring at him.

"Hey!" He says, holding his hands up I'm defence. "You're the one who pushed me."

"You weren't supposed to drag me with you," I pout.

"And let you get away with it?" He asks. "Hell no!"

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