Chapter Thirty-seven

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Dallas runs his thumb over my finger, our fingers interlaced. I laugh and tug, pulling him with me as I start to run.

"Avril!" He complains.

I giggle and stick my tongue out at him. "Hurry up!"

He rolls his eyes and then starts to run. He passes by me within seconds and I struggle to catch up as he pulls me along.

"Dallas!" I yell, laughing.

"Avril!" He mocks.

He lets go of my hand and picks up his speed even more. I shout and run after him, enjoying the wind on my face and the sun shining down on us.

The park spreads out around us. Green, green grass and green, green trees with red, red apples. The sky is blue, blue with no clouds. Some kids are by the pond and their young voices fill the air. The little boys are splashing water and laughing at the ducks while the girls shout and lecture.

I smile and run faster. I let out a scream of a laugh. It feels so good to just let go.

Dallas hollers and kicks off his shoes. His sight is set on the kids by the pond and I know exactly what he's about to do.

"Wait!" I yell before taking off my own shoes.

Dallas smirks and takes off running again, heading straight for the pond. I follow closely on his heels.

The light breeze rushes by, tickling my bare thighs, and the grass is soft underneath my feet. The sunglasses perched on my head fall to the ground. I'm completely free.

Dallas reaches the water first. He doesn't even slow, just barges right through. I laugh and run after him, mumbling sorry to the distraught ten year olds.

The water splashes up and over my thin, purple tank-top. My jean cut-offs are already soaked.

I spin around in the water, running my fingers across the water's surface. Miniature waves ripple among the pond. The ducks shriek and fly away, causing the little boys to laugh.

Water splashes up and over me, raining down on my hair, which is in a loose, messy bun on top of my head, and trailing down my face. I scream and jump. Dallas chuckles.

"Loser!" I spit before splashing him back.

"Oh," he says. "So that's how it is."

"Damn rights!" I say. "You're not getting away with splashing me."

"Are you sure you wan-"

He's cut off by me splashing him again. I laugh and try to leap away.

Dallas curses and slaps the water, sending water flying in every direction.

"Stop!" I yell and flick water in his direction.

The kids watch us with wide eyes. The boys start cheering every time Dallas succeeds in dumping water all over me. They all laugh when I get him back.

"Give it up, Avril," Dallas threatens.

"Never!" I reply.

I scoop my hands into the water. They hit the bottoms and I smirk. I fill up my palms with mud and wink at Dallas.

"Come here," I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I said," I tell him. "And I give up."

"That's what I thought," he boasts and walks closer. He reaches me and pats my head. "Just a weak little girl."

I bring my hands up and wipe mud all over his face. Dallas sputters and tries to grab me as I jump and dive away. The boys holler, yelling for Dallas to get me. The girls shriek with delight.

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