Chapter Thirteen

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"No way!" I protest.

Teagan rolls her eyes, then crosses her arms and arches an eyebrow, challenging me. "Yes," she says.

I firmly shake my head. "I am so not wearing a dress."

"Please?" She pleads. "I will too."

"No!" I say. "It's a high school party and I'll be wearing jeans and a tank top."

"Well we won't wear formal dresses," she replies in a "duh" tone.

"We won't wear any dresses."



"Agh!" She exclaims, clearly frustrated. "Please? Just one night, one dress. Do it for me. God, do it for Thomas!"

I shake my head again. Teagan looks at me with puppy eyes. I shiver, when people stare at me I instantly feel uncomfortable. "Fine!" I say. "Just stop looking at me."

"Yay!" Teagan yells, enveloping me in a huge hug. She pulls away, a huge smile on her face and grabs my car keys. "Let's go shopping!"

"Ahem," I say, raising an eyebrow.

"What?" She asks.

"I'll be driving," I tell her, holding my hand out.

"Oh," she replies. "Right." She drops the keys in my hand and we walk down my hall to the front door.

"Hunter?" I call. "I'm leaving."

He appears out of the kitchen, holding a spatula. And he's shirtless again.

"Hunter," I groan. "Put a shirt on."

I'm not going to deny it, my brother is in incredible shape but that doesn't mean I want him walking around shirtless all the time.

"Yeah, yeah," he says. "Whatever you say. Will you be back for supper?"

"Probably not," I reply. "I have my phone, call me if you need me."

"Okay. See ya later, lil sis."

I turn around in confusion at Hunter's lack of speaking to her, to look at Teagan, they always greet each other but she hasn't said a word. I wave bye to Hunter and step outside after realizing that Teagan is no longer in my house. She's sitting on my front steps, looking almost guilty.

"Teags?" I ask. "What was that?"

She shrugs and stands up. "I just wanted to wait outside."

"But he was shirtless!" I exclaim. All of my friends are constantly talking about how hot Hunter is. Why would Teagan miss a chance to check him out?

"Yeah," she says. "I know."

"Whatever," I reply, not at all bothered by it. Maybe she's over my brother. That would make things easier and less uncomfortable for me. "Let's just go."

"Okay," she replies and starts walking to my Jeep.

I open my door just as Teagan slides into the passenger side and closes her door. I get in and start the engine. As we pull out of the driveway, Teagan reaches over and turns on the radio.

"Woohoo," I say sarcastically. "Dress shopping."

Teagan gives me a flat look and I smile back at her.

"Okay, okay," I say. "I was kidding! Let's go have fun."

"That's the spirit," Teagan says and we laugh together.

"So who are you taking to the party?" I ask her after a moment of comfortable silence.

"Well," she says slowly. "I don't know."

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