Chapter Thirty-three

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Tapping my toe on the white hospital floor, I begin to grow anxious. Zoey stands a few feet away talking to the doctor. She took over after I snapped and started freaking out.


I look up hopefully. "Yes?"

The doctor gives me a dirty look over Zoey's shoulder. I roll my eyes and Zoey chuckles, covering it up with a cough.

"He says that Hunter can be released today but only to be sent immediately to your local hospital," she tells me. "And stop shooting death glares at the doctor. You should thanking him."

"Thank you!" I yell.

The man turns his head suddenly and then chuckles at me. "You're welcome."

"Happy now?" I ask Zoey.

She smirks. "Very."

"Can I see my brother?" I ask. "All I want is to see him."

Zoey looks up at me and then smiles. "Yup. Doc says you can go in whenever."

I squeal and throw my arms around her. "Thank you!"

She shakes her head and pushes me away. "No problem, Tiger."

"Lets go right now!" I exclaim.

I start jogging out of the waiting room and turn right. Zoey walks behind me and laughs. "Wrong way."

"Whoops," I mutter.

"No big deal," she grabs my arm. "Follow me."

We walk down one long hallway and then turn again. We reach a set of elevators and take one to the second level. After we get off, we walk down another hallway. Finally, we reach his room.

"There you go," Zoey tells me. She nods her head towards the door.

"Want to come with me?" I ask and eagerly look at the door.

"No," she replies. "I'll wait here for you though."

"Okay," I say. "Thanks again."

Zoey tilts her head to the side, studying me, before she smiles. I smile back and then push the door open. I take a deep breathe before stepping inside.

The door closes behind me with a dull click. It sounds so final that for some reason I want to run back and yell for help.

I sigh and shake my head. This is my brother. He's in this room because he was saved. I'm safe. It's fine.

Craning my neck to see behind the white curtain, I creep forwards. I'm tiptoeing and I don't know why.

As I reach the bed, the first thing I notice is the white sheets and I cringe. Why is everything white? Blood shows up too easily on white.

After thinking that, I want to hit myself. Stop it, I mentally snap.

White sheets, white walls, white casts, white machines, a pale boy.

I curse under my breathe and look back at the door. I should leave. I can't do this.

"Hmm," Hunter mumbles and I freeze. "Avril?"

He slowly opens his eyes and my heart cracks slightly. There's a bruise on his cheek and his eyes are glossy.

"Hunt," I squeak. "I can't handle hospitals."

My brother smiles and tries to laugh before wincing. "Avril," he says. "Avy. Av. My little sis."

I smile and rush to his side. I'm looking him over, trying to decide if I can hug him or not, when he pulls me into his arm.

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