Chapter Twenty-seven

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I stare evenly at Dallas. "Give. It. Back. Andrews!"

He laughs. A great laugh. The Dallas laugh I'm used to. The beautiful one. I grit my teeth as I try not to smile.

"I don't think so," he tells me, smirking and holding the bag of sour gummy worms higher above my head.

I glare at him and cross my arms, sticking my lower lip out in a false pout. He laughs again and I sigh.

It's been like this for the last hour. Ray is now driving with Miley in the front seat who's punching his arm every time he pretends to lose control of the car. So, neither of them are paying attention to the unfair acts that are happening in the backseat. Teagan is passed out in the backseat to my right, so she's no real help.

"Andrews!" I snap and slap his arm.

"Connor!" He mocks in a high-pitched voice. I cringe as he laughs again.

"Give me my damn food back!" I frantically whisper-shout so I don't wake up Teagan.

"No," he says with that damn irresistible smirk plastered on his face.

I roll my eyes before trying to grab the candy from him again. To be completely honest, I don't really mind this. I mean, it's kind of relieving to be back to our pitiful arguments and never-ending banter. It's nice to know that we can, at least for a minute, put the past few weeks behind us.

"You don't even like sour gummy worms!" I protest.

"That's such a lie!" Dallas tells me, shaking his head. "Pitiful attempt, really."

"It was worth a try," I mumble sorely.

"I expected better from you," he says.

"Newsflash, Andrews!" I snap, still hurt from my weak attempt to get my candy back. "My life goal is not to impress you."

"Goal in life," he corrects.

I narrow my eyes. "Same thing!"

"Is it though?" He questions thoughtfully.

"Yes!" I reply. "Yes, it is."

"Okay," he says. I can tell that he's just agreeing to save whatever pride I have left. I do really appreciate it though.

"Here," Dallas says after we fall into a soft silence. He holds the gummy worms closer in my reach.

I raise an eyebrow quizzically. "What?"

"You can have your damn candy back," he tells me. I notice that he doesn't pass me the bag though.

"And?" I press, knowing that there has to be a catch somewhere.

"And?" He asks. "Nothing. Just take your candy, Connor."

"Maybe I don't want it," I suggest craftily.

"Then I'll eat it all," he replies back with a sigh.

"No!" I exclaim. "I'll take it back!"

"That's what I thought," he tells me with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah," I mutter. "Now, give it back!"

In one sudden movement, Dallas rips the bag open. He stuffs a handful of the candies into his mouth before passing me the damaged bag. I stare at him, my jaw hanging open.

"What the actual fuck?!" I shriek, reaching over to flick his head. "You little prick! That was my candy!"

Dallas mumbles something intelligent through his mouth full of candy. My candy, may I add.

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