Chapter Eighteen

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Don't drink. It slows you down and forces you to make stupid decisions.

My eyes cloud over as I realize where I am. Jenny's house. And Dallas is leading me away from Thomas. Leading me further into his girlfriend's house. I turn around to see Thomas looking about as confused as hell. I squint up at Dallas and tug my arm away.

"What?" He asks, turning around.

I try to focus and look him dead in the eyes. "Your.. Your," I start, eyes moving in and out of focus. I try not to laugh at myself and concentrate on anger. "Your girlfriend is looking for you."

"What?" Dallas repeats. "Jenny?"

I nod, folding my hands into fists. I keep them pressed against my sides. Dallas's eyes lock on my fists and then go to my eyes. His mouth makes an "o" shape as he puts it together.

"Avril," he sighs.

I shake my head furiously. "Asshole," I say. "You're an asshole. Cheating on your girlfriend. Asshole."

"You don't even like Jenny!" He protests.

I scoff. "That's low. Just because I don't like somebody, doesn't mean I'll allow their boyfriend to gladly cheat on them."

"She cheated on me!" He shouts.

"Doesn't matter," I say firmly. "You're just what they said. They're right."

"Avril? You're mumbling. Who's they?"

"Them!" I shriek. "They are right! You're a player! And you're going to sleep with every girl in school!"

"Hey, calm down."

I turn to see Thomas and smile. I let myself fall into his arms.

"Unbelievable!" Dallas comments, shaking his head.

I nod unevenly. "You're a player."

"No!" He snaps and I flinch back. "You're a bitch."

I gasp and Thomas glowers at Dallas.

"You have no right to call her that," he says in a threatening tone.

"Oh shut up!" Dallas replies. "She was about to cheat on you."

"No!" I scream.

Thomas tugs on my hand and smiles. "It's okay. Let's go."

I smile back and take a step. I fall and Thomas has to help me up. Dallas scoffs.

"Avril," he says. I straighten myself out and look at him.


"Don't leave with him," he says. "I'll take you home."

"No," I refuse. "Stay away from me."

Dallas doesn't flinch or step back. He just looks at me blankly and nods. "Alright."

"Alright," I repeat.

Thomas starts to lead me away again. I take a few steps before stopping again. I turn around to see Dallas watching me.

"Dallas?" I call out.

He slowly lifts his gaze to meet mine. "Yeah?"

"And my family," I say coldly. "Stay away from me and my family."

Now, Dallas looks slightly fazed. He blinks a couple times before nodding and sheepishly walking away.

I watch him walk away. Even though I'm drunk off my ass, in this moment I'm completely sober. And I slowly realize what a mistake I've just made.

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