Chapter Twenty-eight

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"Well, well, well!" Hunter exclaims teasingly. He's standing outside in front of the cabin with his arms outstretched, as we pull up.

"Hey, Hunter," I mutter within a yawn as I climb out of the car.

"Why did a seven hour drive take you guys eleven hours?" My brother asks with a smirk on his face. He's standing on the porch of the cabin.

From here, the cabin looks amazing and it's not even light out. It has a little porch with a small roof, complete with a red, wooden, rocking chair. A single light is set into the wall beside the door. There's a wood railing surrounding the porch and two little steps you take to get up on the porch. A small, beaten path leads back around the house, disappearing into the darkness.

The cabin is a true log cabin, stained a nice brown with red accents. There's a window above the rocking chair, showing glimpses of what looks like the kitchen. Above the porch roof, you can see two huge windows and the huge peaked roof.

"Ray sucks at driving," Dallas tells my brother. He gets out of the car behind me and, for a minute to steady himself, places his hand on my back.

The moment is over quickly as he closes the door and steps towards Hunter. I'm surprised by how normal it felt and my lack of emotion towards it.

"What did Ray do this time?" Hunter asks Dallas with a low chuckle.

I smile to myself as I walk over to my brother. I throw my arms around him in a hug. He pulls me to him as he hugs me back.

"Everything okay?" He whispers in my ear.

"Yup!" I say, pulling away. "Just missed you."

Hunter smiles before ruffling my hair. A wordless "I missed you too."

I sigh and step back from my brother. Miley, Ray, and Teagan all pile out of the car and walk over to us. Teagan comes to stand beside me, her gaze heavily pointed on the ground.

"So," Hunter starts and laughs. "You were having some car trouble, Ray?"

We all laugh as Ray groans and shoots Dallas a glare. "It was not my fault!"

"It so was," Dallas comments before waking over to the cabin and up the steps.

Hunter shakes his head as Ray sneers and gives the middle finger to Dallas's retreating figure. My brother starts to walk up onto the porch behind Dallas, gesturing for us to follow, just as the door bursts open and Levi jumps out. He grabs Dallas in a awkward, brotherly hug.

"Levi!" Dallas shouts and tries to push him off. "Screw off!"

Levi smirks and pinches Dallas's cheeks. "Aw!" He coos. "But I missed my wittle brother!"

I laugh at his girly voice and over exaggerated gestures. Teagan smile as Ray and Miley double over with laughter.

"You're an asshole," Dallas mutters, finally succeeding in pushing his brother away.

"You guys are here!" Amy exclaims cheerfully, appearing in the doorway.

"Hey Amy!" I call with a smile.

"Did you have a good drive?" She asks and walks over to Teagan and me. All of the boys have gone to get all the supplies out of the car.

"Yeah," I reply. "It was good. Tiring and we made quite a few extra stops, but it was good. Made some memories, had some fun."

"That's good," she says with a smile. "I always thought that it would have been fun to take a road trip with my friends in high school. Never happened though."

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