Chapter Thirty-eight

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"Tired?" Hunter asks.

I peel open my eyes and lazily look over at him. I'm sprawled across the couch with my hair falling off the side. Music plays on the tv. I'm wearing an old pair of sweats with a plain tank top. The air conditioning is at it's limit and I'm still hot.

Hunter smirks at me. He's in higher spirits after getting the cast off yesterday. The doctor gave him several warnings about putting too much pressure on it all at once. Hunter shrugged it off but I'm keeping my eye on him.

"Yes," I reply. "Extremely. Ya know, I only have like, two weeks until school?!"

"It's more like three," he says. He walks further into the living room and sits down on the other couch.


Hunter laughs. "You've been busy though. Are you having a good summer?"

I look over at him and smile. He's just wearing jeans and I notice that his bruises have faded quite a bit. It makes me happy that he's feeling better.

He smiles back, running his fingers through his blonde hair. "Hm?"

I nod. "Yeah. It's been a great summer so far. Kind of a rough start but it's evened out."

"That's good," Hunter muses. I smile again.

It has been a great summer and I have been quite busy.

After everyone got back together, Thomas and Charlie planned a huge ass scavenger hunt. It took us all weekend with two teams. Teagan, Ray, me and Thomas on one team and Dallas, Charlie and Miley on the other.

It was super intense but really fun and helped break all the tension. We're still arguing over who the winners were.

Miley, Teagan and I decided that we needed a girls night after that whole fiasco, so we planned a sleepover. We acted like fourth graders, staying up talking and flipping through magazines all night. We did each others hair and nails. We discussed our relationships and Teagan's new love interest (Mathew!). It was overrated and cheesy but pretty fun.

A couple days later, Ray cornered me and demanded that I hang out with him. His reason was that we hadn't chilled in a while but I'm pretty sure it was just because Miley was busy.

Anyways. We went out for supper and then made our way over to the old playground. As kids, we played there for hours upon hours. Every day, all day.

Dallas and me have spent multiple days together. Sometimes he's cute and plans something. Other times, he's a total asshole and we do nothing. The odd time I plan something and he complains the whole time. We usually just wing it and spend endless hours laughing.

Everyone went swimming the other day. We packed a picnic and everything. The boys found an old tire, don't even ask how, and rigged up a tire swing. We had a competition to see who could swing the highest, jump the farthest, and make the biggest splash. We also had a diving contest. Once again, the winner hasn't been clarified.

The movie theatre is probably tired of us being the only ones to show up for late movies and forcing the workers to stay. They're probably also pissed off with our noise level and the mess we make.

Miley had the genius idea to sit in the back seats and see who could throw popcorn the farthest.

We keep making up new challenges to determine the winner of the scavenger hunt, but it just causes us to argue more.

One afternoon last week when Ray was complaining about being bored and Teagan was telling him repeatedly to shut up and Dallas would not stop disagreeing with every single thing Miley said and Charlie was muttering about Thomas being sick, I decided that we should go horse back riding.

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