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You weren't good with customers once they were drunk, nor were you good with accepting compliments. Let's just say you can get embarrassed or flustered easily once your guard is let down. That isn't often, but it does happen at work sometimes.

Like this one night. It was very late and you were taking over a poker table for Mister Wheezy because he wanted a smoke break. You got back in the table to Sally tart dealing for two very wasted men. You think one was some sort of pirate from the Third Isle? You weren't so sure. 

But you delt out the cards, since the men wanted to play seven card stud you delt out seven cards each. You tapped on the little hearts pin on your sleeve for good luck. You wanted a Hearts Hand. 

The wilds were one eyes jacks and the suicide king. Lucky for you, you had the suicide king. King of Hearts for those reading this who don't know. Then as you were arranging your hand to get the optimum hand you heard a hiccup and looked up at one of the men. He was staring a table your cleavage that was somewhat shown due to your uniform.

"You're a pretty sexy lady~"

You felt your face flush a little. Your dropped your arms so your cards shielded them from the so called view. You tried to ignore the statement and resume playing a simple, nice game of poker but the other man who your believed was a pirate started wolf whistling at you.

"I would smash that any day~"

You were officially uncomfortable with the situation. Sure, the devil does stuff like this sometimes, but luckily you can just steer clear of him ninety percent of the time. Besides, oh had no idea who these two were so it made you just cringe.

"A-Akright sirs, show your hands."

You obviously meant their poker hands. Duh. You were praying that Mister Wheezy would come in and take these two drunkards off your hands soon. But sadly you knew deep down he was done for the night.

"Show us those breasts of yours first~"

You backed up as much as you could, but sadly in the dealer's spot at the poker table in your casino it went three sixty and locked you in. There was a gate at the side, but you knew you couldn't leave. You just felt your face getting hot. This was violation!  

King Dice was walking around, checking for any leftover guests. Closing time was bearing. Then he saw that there was one last table. You were in the dealer's spot with two men who looked well over drunk. This was already peculiar, considering you were off shift and Wheezy should be dealing. 

Upon closer inspection King Dice noticed that the two men were flirting with you, saying things like "take of your clothes", "let me see your tits", exetera exetera. King Dice sighed, seeing you clearly had no idea how to get yourself out of this situation. He had to save you, didn't he? 

"Excuse me, it's time for the casino to close. I have to ask you to leave."

You were on the verge of tears when you heard that suave voice come to save you. Both men grumbled and stumbled away, not even fighting back. You looked over at King Dice, who was gathering the cards from the other side. He glanced up at you with an eyebrow raised.

"What? I'm not a monster."

You gave him an awkward smile, taking your hand and adding it to the deck in his hands. You took the box for the deck out from under the table and slid the cards in there no problem. Once you got out of the table you gave the six foot seven tall dice man a hug.

"What the-"

"Thank you King Dice."

King Dice felt a small blush overcome his cheekbones, if Dice even have cheeks. King Dice just sighed and let it happen instead of throwing you off like he normally has to do. He rested his hand on your head and gave it a nice comforting pat.

"No problem darlin."

Waitress of Suits [King Dice x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now