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You did it. You actually did it. You managed to get King Dice on a date! You got lots of money for winning the bet against Pirouletta and you had the perfect tools to make you look amazing for your sleazy not sleazy manager: your dice.

You had to roll several times to try for something casual yet cute enough for a date. You can't have any doubles, so you had one kept on a music note. Diamonds was too flashy, Hearts was too suggestive for something causal, and spades just seem to not like you all that much. You really didn't want to go with a black suit, but you had to.

Clubs on their own gave you a short skirt with black leggings. You had black Mary Janes with your hair tied up in a messy bun. You wore black lipstick and a white tank top with a black blazer over it. But you took off the blazer and tied it around your waist. You and Dice agreed you're going CASUAL.

Then you booked it out of your house, running to the place you wanted to meet up. In Inkwell Isle Two there is a barbershop quartet you love to listen to then you have some ties with Baroness so she hook you up with some catering. The carnival of Inkwell Isle Two was the perfect date! It took some convincing from a high class man like Dice, but you had him around your finger so no problem.

You waited for Dice. He was a few minutes late but that was expected. You assumed it was just fashionably late. You turned to the barbershop quartet and flicked two coins in the jar in front of them.

It's nice to rest your eyes And maybe go outside, Grab a book and get some air. So, what are you waiting for? (Bom-bom-bom-bom)Why not take a quick break? Tune the radio! (Bom-bom-bom-bom)There's chores to do, there's leaves to rake, Strum the old banjo! You can practice your Lindy Hop, Then maybe later sing with your barber shop.Why not take a little quick break And come back for more? (-Ooore...) Then come back for more. (-Ooore...) Please come back for mooore.

You smiled, listening to the amazing masculine voices in harmony. Then you heard footsteps behind you. You have your thanks to the quartet and saw King Dice there. He was frozen in the street, drinking your view in. But you were in a date with him. You had to return the same gesture, yeah?

King Dice was taking casual seriously. He wore a dark purple hoodie with a design on the pectoral that most likely matched the back. His shirt was a lavender novelty tee shirt that read royal and loyal. Don't mess with me. He wore regular gray sweatpants and you couldn't care less about his shoes. Casual King Dice was hit King Dice. You smiled.

"Hey Dicey. Ready for some fun?"

King Dice smiled, checking you out all of seven times. Seven must be a lucky number, but this isn't the slot machine. You took his arm, the way Pirouletta always did when trying to grab his attention, and you didn't get shaken off. Score! 

"Of course, darlin. Where to first?"

You smirked. It was about dinner time, wasn't it? You don't need an entree. Dessert will suit  you just fine. You let go of his arm and dragged his wrist, tugging him a little bit. King Dice only had to look in your eyes to see you had a whole plan for the night already.

"A certain Baroness I know owes me big time. I'm going to get her to sneak us some food!"

King Dice chuckled before he was suddenly jerked forward. He had to start running because you were pulling him by the wrist at a fast running pace. How you could run in that short skirt and leggings combo? He had no clue. So he didn't ask. He just kept up pace as best he could, staring st your black and white checkered panties.

"Here! Now, from what she complained to me she has some sour history with you. Wait right here!"

King Dice just complied, not even bothering trying to contradict you. Well, you weren't wrong. Baroness Von Bon Bon was an early debtor when she tried starting her business. She's actually one of the closest to paying off that debt.

It took no longer than five minutes for you to be skipping back with two cotton candies and a funnel cake. You had a wide smile and some chocolate ok your lips, mixing with the black lipsticks. Wait, where did you get chocolate?

"I'm baaaack! Here, I got cottin candies and a funnel cake to share! I also had a cupcake with chocolate icing, but it didn't make the trip."

You giggled guiltily and sat down at a bench. You move down the second cotton candy to your other hand and patted the seat next to you. King Dice was greatly amused by this whole thing. He took the seat next to you and he took the cotton candy you got for him.

"Cotton Candy first, Funnel Cake after! Then we can go on Beppi's rollercoasters! Then bumper cars! Oh, and we can't forget the Ferris wheel! This is gonna be great!"

You're eenthusiasm was something he rarely sees at work. Same with how eccentric you are. That or it was simply the cupcake and you take sugar in very quickly. Or you just are excited for this. No matter which answer, King Dice was having a good time.

He watched you take a large bite out of the cotton candy, getting pink residue on your black lips. He looked at the cotton candy. He never had it before. What does cotton candy taste like? He ripped off a small tuft and placed it in his mouth. It dissolved in a matter of nanoseconds and sweetness just spread in his mouth. 

King Dice tasted the cotton candy and he had the utter look of disbelief all over his face. Like the time he first saw you in the double hearts outfit. Yeah, he had that dumbfounded look. He turned to you and you couldn't help but smile.

"Good, right? I love Cotton Candy!"

You finished off yours quickly. You threw the paper cone away in the trash can near the bench, but not too near that you could smell it. King Dice til had a lot of cotton candy left. You were patient. Besides, it was fun to watch him be amazed every time he ate some.

"How does it dissolve so fast?"

King Dice had no clue! What was this candy made of?! It's certainly not actual cotton. Was it a starch? A strand? What was it made of!? He was mesmerized by curiousity. He looked over st you for answers, which he could tell you had.

"It's made of pure sugar, and sugar is soluble. It dissolves in water or other liquids."

King Dice understood. Pure sugar, huh? He made a mental note to never try and give this stuff to the hyperactive bunch at the casino like Mangosteen. He finished his up but was left unsatisifed. He saw the leftover cotton candy on your lips and formulated a plan. He smirked at you and grabbed your chin. 

"Dice? Whatcha doin there?"

You were kinda getting nervous. Oh wait, oh no, oh goodness gracious, oh sweet cotton candy, oh lords, oh devil, oh I'm running out of phrases to substitute instead of "god" because the devil is your boss, he wasn't planning on kissing you was he!?

"You have something on your face. I was just going to get it for ya."

King Dice leaned in and pecked your lips. Well, not a peck. He kissed you passionately. You, of course, returned the passion. Once he broke away he licked his own lips. He got the cotton candy, but not all the lipstick off. 

"I wanted that bit of cotton candy~"

You processed the information quickly before shoving him playfully. He started laughing. Not a chuckle, not a snicker, it was his actual laugh. Thinking of it, you never heard him laugh before. It kinda made you start laughing.

"Alright, Alright. Funnel cake time, then, the rest of the date!"

King Dice watched you open the box and he amrveled at the funnel cake. He never had this before either. In fact, he never really just enjoyed the carnival before. Woah, this night was just a whole bunch of firsts for him. Wasn't it?

Eh, who cares. ITS FUN TIME!!!!

Waitress of Suits [King Dice x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now