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Before coming to work you made yourself look extra pretty. With help from your trusty dice. Doubt Hearts Was your roll of the day and you're going all out! Red eyeshowdow, red lipgloss, red hair highlights, red contacts, heart themed dress, lots of heart pins, cleavage showing. 

Oh yeah. Definately a Queen Of Hearts over here. Short ruffled shirt like a rose and a cocktail dress style top. No sleeves, red choker. Red stockings with patterns of hearts on it. Some blush. Oh yeah. You were gonna be the head bitch today.

Walking into work you caught eyes of many guests  employees, and the big boss man. You smirked and sent him a confident wink, not feeling so scared of the devil with the power of hearts on your side. No sign of King Dice. Damnit!

You walked to the back, seeing how your shift doesn't start yet among with many others, and saw Chips running a tally board with names in it. One side for you, one side for Pirouletta. Speaking of that little Priss you haven't seen her at all today.

"Hey Chips! What's the standings?"

You looked up at the tallies and a wide smirk covered your apple red lips. You had triple the amount of votes Pirouletta had. And a lot of money on your side of the table too. Chips saw your eyes light up with pride.

"You're winnin Sweetheart, by a mile. Ya even got the boss on your side."

That was no surprise. That scandalous devil was a perv through and through. You read off the names. Mangosteen, Chips, Hopus, Devil, Phear, And Pip on your side. On Pirouletta's side was Wheezy, Pachinko, and Dot. Seems like the Tipsey Troop And Mister Chimes haven't gotten around to it. That's when the door opened.

"What's this? Side bet?"

You know that voice anywhere. You turned and saw King Dice standing there with a smug smirk. Well, that is until he saw you of course. His eyes literally flashed the like green again and his jaw dropped. You smiled and twirled a little for him. Pirouletta, who was clinging to his arm, was clearly unimpressed. 

"Like it Dicey? Made it for ya. Thought you would like a few extra hearts today."

King Dice flinched. Holy shit you were hot. Playing along with this little game was going to be harder than he thought. You were drop dead gorgeous! He couldn't help but stare at your boobs. Your outfit was so coordinated with your body, the makeup just brought out everything about you with RED. He had to lift his collar a bit. Was it hot In here? And hold up a second. Did you just call him dicey!?

You had him at a loss for words, score! Pirouletta just clung to his arm as if she's was hanging for dear life. She glanced over and saw the money pool and Bets. It was in your favor and not hers. She won't lie, she was furious.

"King Dice, let's just go. Their silly little bet doesn't mean a darn thing! Probably just seeing who can spit the farthest or soemthing uncouth like that!"

Oh the stuck up littke Russian girl she was. You reached in your bra and pulled out the dice, both still glowing on their roll of the hearts. Everyone stared at them. You smiled as everyone's attention, including Dice's, was on you.

"You know, I could change the suit if you want? Prefer Diamonds, I can go diamonds. Spades, clubs, or any combination. All you have to do is ask~"

Trying to impress with ability, smooth. Very smooth. King Dice had that gleam in his eye, the gambling one. When he's interested in something kind of look in his eye. He even shook Pirouletta pulling on his arm off to see what on Earth you were trying to do.

"What are you plannin?"

You took the dice in your fist and smirked in his face. He was interested, he was curious. And you knew when he was curious he would do whatever he could in his power to try and satisfy that curiousity. At least, that's how most con men work.

"I can show you whatever combination you like, even that diamond spade one you love so much. All you have to do is go on a small date with me, Deal?"

King Dice snickered. Of course you were leading to that. You and Pirouletta were being so obvious, so straight forward, so easy to obtain. King Dice prefers hard to get. Hints. Maybe one will catch on. He hoped it was gonna be you. But for now he can humor everyone else at the bar, even though he already knows who is gonna win this silly bet.

"You're going to have to try harder, Darlin. I ain't an easy man to catch."

With a snicker and a push past Pirouletta, he walked out the door into the Casino other the Tipsey Troop And Chimes on shift. You groaned and threw the dice on the ground, getting two music notes and going back to normal.

"I just can't seduce this guy!"

Hopus went to pick up your dice and he floated them back to you. Pirouletta sneered at you before going out to the casino to follow Dice. She was going to try and beg for his attention again, wasn't she? You don't want to come off as clingy. He obviously dislikes that.

"Hopus, Magosteen, Chips, any tips for me? I don't want that Prim and Proper Russian Roulette to win this damn bet. Won't give her the satisfaction."

The room was quiet. On one offering any advice to you. Of course. If it's a bet no one is going's to let either side of the advantage. That's the whole fun in betting on someone or something. Watching it play out in its own.

"No tips? Alright. I'm going to work. Maybe Scotch will have a nice wine waiting for me."

You walked out of the break room with more determination than ever. You weren't an easy woman to break down. A scowl played at your lips as you thought. How were you going to get the sexiest, most charming, slyest man in all of the Inkwell Isles to fall for you!? Much less go on a date!

Oh, wait.


Waitress of Suits [King Dice x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now