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You were on break with Hopus Pocus in the back. He insisted on giving you a little show since he hasn't been able to preform proper magic tricks in a while. The more logical reason was nobody else's sits through his shows. Sometimes the tricks he does are really cool! Other times they were complete flunks.

"A violá! The bird is gone!"

Hopus lifted the handkerchief to reveal the chcolare bird he had before was completely gone. You marveled at his skills before applauding him. Pirouletta, who was passing by, glanced at the two of you. She gave you a scoff and a turn up of her russian styled nose.  Yeah. You two don't get along well.

"Slacking off? The devil won't be pleased. I expected you to be much more sophisticated and responsible, Waitress."

You rolled your yes and took off the Spade pin from your sleeve. You enlarged it like a throwing star and aimed right next to Pirouletta's Head (one of your attacks). It missed her, thankfully, and it the wall behind her. Just good enough to Scare and aggregate the ballerina like stuck up roulette wheel.

"More like on my designated Break period, Miss Russia."

Pirouletta stormed off, clearly mad. When Pachinko rolled in looking for her, you and Hopus simply pointed in the direction she spun off to. After they both were gone you called back your Soade pin attack and repinned it to your sleeve in the rightful place.

"Pirouletta really gets on my nerves. What about you Hoppy?"

You turned back to the rabbit. The zen, zany rabbit just looked at his sleeve and pulled out a small little box. The stretched it to get a giant word yes as his response. You snickered. Magicians be magicians I guess!

That's when King Dice walked in, clearly unamused. He fixed his bow tie, own thing you noticed was a little habit of his, then he sideways glared at you both. You could tell by his eyebrows and twitch of his little single dot nose he was about to fuss at you.

"Shouldn't you two be working?"

Hopus pulled a hand watch out of his ear and looked at the time. He did this exaggerated cartoonish thing. He actually looked like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. His exaggerated gesture made you giggle.

"I AM late! Don't tell Boss I've missed! Farewell, My Alice!"

With that, Hopus used a fake out smoke bomb to pretend to teleport, but you both knew that it was just Hopus trying to make a grande exit. You couldn't help but laugh at the dorky rabbit of a magician. He had to be one of your best friends here.

"You too, (Your name)."

You sighed and looked at a pocket watch you kept in your skirt. You get three fifteen minute breaks during the day and a thirty minute lunch period. Your lunch period was from noon to noon-thirty. It was noon-seventeen so Hopus was two minutes late for his shift. You looked up at King Dice.

"I have a good thirteen minutes to go. I suppose your break started two minutes ago?"

The manager of the casino nodded and took a bottle of Wine off of the counter in the break room. He grabbed two cups and placed them on the table you and Hopus ere sitting at. Well, you're still sitting there. 

"Care for a glass of wine, (Your name)?"

King Dice slyly smirked, trying to convince you. You still don't drink often, but a glass of wine with the best man in this casino was a hard offer to deny. After some thought, you felt the smile tugging at your lips proceeding to victory as you gave up.

"Alright, a glass won't hurt."

King Dice was already pouring the wine. He slid your glass towards you and took his own, sipping a nice amount from it. He took a deck of cards from his sleeves and gave you the look as if he was inviting you to a game. You rose an eyebrow, forcing him to use his words. A con man should have to have a way with words after all. He rolled his eyes, like dice, in defeat

"Care for a game?"

You nodded and folded your hands together, not even daring to touch your wine. You looked him dead in the eye as you accepted his challenge.

"You're on."

Waitress of Suits [King Dice x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now