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You decided to just made King Dice go absolutely one hundred percent mad. You wore those purple lips again, you know, from a previous chapter where Mangosteen thought it was your brothday but it really wasn't so you wore the purple lip gloss? It was an earlier chapter at that. One of the most popular too. But enough breaking the fourth wall. We have a story to complete.

So you wore purple lips and got some purple highlights in your hair after work yesterday. The devil let you wear a purple and white version of your normal black and red outfit. You were a Lavender Lady today.

So walking into work you already got lots of attention. Cat calls, wolf whistles, and a bunch of numbers. You had compliments showered on you from Chips, Chimes, Wheezy, the Tipsey Troop, Hopus, Mangosteen, literally everyone except Pirouletta, Dice, And Devil. Even Pachinko gave you a compliment. Well  as good as he could. He can't talk after all.

Then Dice walked Into the casino. You were leaning across a table to hand Hopus the Vodka hot sun he asked for and your ass was towards the entrance. Let's just say Dice got quite a good view. You could tell because when you stood up and turned around his face was really purple. Good day to wear the purple panties with dice on them, huh?

"Mornin Dicey, welcome home."

You sent him a playful wink and walked off with your empty tray. You left King Dice gawking. That was the intended output, and so so satisfying. Mister Whiskey slid down three shots and pointed towards the roulette table with Pachinko. You nodded and gave him a blow kiss before going. Same tactic. Bewitch him and make him jealous. It was working well, since Pirouletta hasn't even been trying anymore. Maybe she just accepted you would win? Or King Dice told her off. Clingy Roulette Wheel.

King Dice just stared at you. Every step you took had purpose in it. Your hips were hypnotic and the color lavender suited you very well. Those were two unintentional puns so don't even think about it. But King Dice's jaw was practically on the floor.

King Dice shook off the shock and went to approach you. Like always, he had to take control of the situation. He was only holding back because you seemed like the confident type of woman who likes to take the reins. But now, it was time for King Dice to have his fair share of fun. Ironic because he wasn't a fair man.

"Good Mornin Darlin. Might I ask about ya new uniform? I must say it suits you well."

You twirled around, making sure to get that flow in the skirt. You smiled at him as innocently as someone like you could. You took the empty tray and held it down, pressed against your thighs. It kind of made your thighs stick out a little more and the way your arms were positioned it made your breasts look even bigger. You have to work with theattraction laws after all. Lookin pretty was the best step forward.

"Just thought it may, I don't know, make me stick out a little?"

You bounced on the balls of your feet. This was what the Devil was talking about. He prefers it when he's the one chasing. It's more fun for him this way. In honesty, it was fun for you both ways. Impressing and being Impressed. Seducing and being Secuded. Both were extremely fun. King Dice chuckled at you.

"You are a devious little temptress, aren't you?"

Oops, he found you out. You giggled and did a little twirl for him. You grabbed his hand and spun yourself into his Arms. You could hear his heartbeat quickening, unlike when Dancing with the Devil. You liked up at him sweetly.

"Did it work?"

King Dice wanted to hate you, but at the same time he wanted to have you. This wasn't humoring everyone else anymore. This was torturing himself and not letting him have what he wants. And King Dice normally does everything in his power to get what he wants. Maybe it was finally time for this silly bet to have a victor.

"Yes, it did Darlin. After work tonight would you care for dinner?"

Yes! You won! The other employees were high fiving, cheering, and extanging money in the background. Guests were happy for you, clapping and cheering. Well, except the salty drunk men who wanted you for themselves. Vice versa for the Horny women who wanted Dicey to themselves.

"Is that even a question worth betting against?"

King Dice chuckled and spun you around, out of his embrace. His eyes poured into your own. His smirk widened as he let you go. You didn't keep spinning or get dizzy. You were a professional after all. 

"Then after work we go. For now, we have guests to attend to."

You nodded and got straight back to work. You won. TAKE THAT PIROULETTA!!!

Waitress of Suits [King Dice x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now