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That date last night was the best! You took King Dice all over the carnival! Sure, Bepip did get mad at you and had a serious talking-to to you, burn other than that everything went great! You won King Dice the stuffed panda he was supposed to win you and you took him on every ride you wanted to!

Walking back into work, the honeyglow was prominent on your cheeks and you were humming the tune of the barbershop quartet back on the second aisle. Mister Wheezy was glaring at you for some reason. You rose an eyebrow.


Mister Wheezy signaled for you to go over there. Confused, you walked over there nonchalantly. Mister Wheezy seemed to be just a simple confused as you are. That's when you saw King Dice walk through the casino to the break room. Wait a second, he normally isn't here this early.

"Hey, why is King Dice here so early?"

Mister Wheezy flinched. He was obviously going to ask you the same question. King Dice walked back out with a wide smile. He was humming the same tune from the barbershop quartet. Honestly, you never saw him this pure happiness From him at work.

"I thought you'd know! The hell did you do on that date!?"

King Dice had bounce in his step. Hell, the devil walked out of his office and had that what the fuck!? Face. He looked over at you and Mister Wheezy. You both shrugged. King Dice took some paperwork and started a working, tapping his foot on the ground as he did so. Okay, this was NOT how King Dice acts something is Definately wrong.

Mister Wheezy shoved you in his direction. You looked back, panicked. He waved you off to go talk to him. You glanced at the devil and he was gesturing for you to do so as well. You took an inhale and walked over there.

"Hey Dicey, you good?"

King Dice topped humming and looked up from the paperwork. He was going over soul contracts again. In fact, that was Baroness Von Bon Bon's Contract. He smiled wide at you and stood upm giving you a quick peck on the cheek.

"Better than ever doll. Now if you excuse me, I need to get this done."

You were dumbfounded, the Devil was dumbfounded, EVERYONE was dumbfounded. That was the kindest tone he has EVER used on ANYONE EVER. The devil had his jaw dropped and Mister Wheezy pinched himself to see if this was real.

You walked away with a shit eating grin on your face. You officially broke King Dice. Your dare last night broke him. You made him go soft. You walked to the breakroom, takes following you, and you went to Pip And Dot. Dot smiled and Pip held out his hands.

"Told you that you'd break him!"

"Pretty gal like you, it ain't hard to imagine."

You handed them the ten coins for the bet. You never would have thought you would make the one and only King Dice literally go softer than cotton candy. He was like putty in your hands. You officially did the impossible.

"It's King Dice, guys. King Dice! I never expected that!"

Well, Reader, life is always full of unexpected things. King Dice going nice, or in better words: Soft, was one thing that will forever shock everyone. But anyways, that's the story. I hope you enjoyed it.

This has been Waitress of suits.

Waitress of Suits [King Dice x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now