Chapter 9

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My room was situated to the left of Liam's in the left wing overlooking the gorgeous garden. My parents were in another room in the right wing along with aunt Samantha's. The King and Queen's rooms were about ten rooms away from Liam's. My room was called the red room and I believe you know why. Everything was red except for one and two things which were white. It was the ideal Princess room. The first thing I did when I entered was take a bath and then sleep in my robe which was super comfy.

The alarm clock woke me up and I reached over to turn it off then went back to sleep.

Next a knock on the door woke me up.

"Come in," I said.

A beautiful young lady who looked no more than twenty five entered with a smile on her face.

"Buonasera signorina.(Good evening Miss) You have thirty minutes before the dinner," she said.

"Thanks for coming and waking me up," I told her.

"Il tuo benvenuto," she replied.

"Your welcome?"

". I am Marian, your chamber maid," she nodded.

"I am Alexandra nice to meet you," I smiled.

"I hope you do not mind but I unpacked your bags and organised your wardrobe," she said shyly.

"It is okay. Thank you," I said.

"I shall wait outside until you are finished. Call me if you need anything," she smiled then departed the room.

After ten minutes was wasted on choosing the best outfit that will leave a statement I decided on a red dress and white pumps. I placed my hair in an elegant up-do and did minimal makeup of red eye shadow and light red lipstick with mascara and powder. I was ready at precisely ten to eight.

I opened the door and stepped into the hallway

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I opened the door and stepped into the hallway.

"You look exotic signorina,(Miss)" Marian said to me smiling at my dress, "Quite the statement."

I twirled around for her and laughed.

"Let us go before you are late," she giggled.

I nodded and followed her to our destination.

"You are three minutes early so the Queen will not mind," Marian said then left me to face the music.

I took a deep breath then pushed the door open. Standing before me and speaking amongst themselves were my mom, dad, aunt Sam, the King, the Queen and another girl I never saw before.

She had long brown hair, green eyes, perfect body and was wearing a long blue dress with broad straps and was embedded with diamonds.

As expected all eyes turned to me and I noticed the Queen smiled in approval.

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