Chapter 9

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"You aren't lying are you?" I ask as I squint my eyes at the man in front of me.

"Why would I?" Matthias smiles before looking at me seriously, "Then you should understand that you have to disappear from his life?"

For the first time since I have been confined, I smile at the man, "It will be my pleasure if you can take this thing off," I lean my head back as I point at the collar that is binding me to this room.

He stares at the leather collar on my neck before reaching for it. He trails his fingers on it before sighing. "So troublesome. This collar has been reinforced with Nikolas' powers in it. Looks like we won't be able to take it off without your owner."

Since he is closer to me than before, I can smell him more clearly than before, "You... Smell familiar."

"Really? How familiar?" he asks as he leans closer, so I start sniffing his neck.

"Annoyingly familiar... Yet, it is not the same. Perhaps are you-"

I stop mid-sentence when I hear a familiar and dangerous growl. Looking at the door, I see Nikolas walking toward us. With bloody red eyes, he yanked Matthias by his shirt and growled, "What the hell do you think you are you doing?"

"What? I only came to say hello to your mate. Isn't that right?" Matthias glances at me with a cocky smile directed at the other man.

I raise an eyebrow at him, "No, he was telling me to disappear since you, Nikolas, belong to him."

"Is this one of your bad jokes again?" Nikolas sighs as he let go of the man's shirt. "I do not belong to him nor do we share a relationship together."

"That's so mean," Matthias whines, "I apologize for earlier," he straightens his clothes before regaining his smile, "My name is Matthias and I'm that guy's older brother."

Older brother, that means that he is a Pure too. I sigh, so he was lying and I have been played by this family. First Katie, then Nikolas and now Matthias? I have the worst luck ever. That is why all their smells are so familiar, I have been linking them to Nikolas. This is bad, I am getting attached. I have to stop relating everything to that man.

"What is your business here?" Nikolas asks as he sits down next to me making me move away.

"Like I said, I came to see that mate of yours. Since mom and dad already saw him, I can't be the only one kept in the dark. But he doesn't seem to like you much," the older brother answers as he sits down and reaches for his coffee.

"He has a wilder side, but I am working on it," Nikolas says as I huff. I am not like a wild cat that you can just pick up from the street and hope for me to be licking your feet in gratitude.

"Really?" the older man hums, "I can see that it is working. He may be a little defiant, but it's only a facade," I grit my teeth at his statement since I know it is somewhat true. I will not be tamed nor will I become that man's bitch. I don't need anyone. I will live my life in solitude like I have been doing for the past decades. "Well, I can't wait to see the results. I will be going now, see ya, little brother."

I watch the man leave the room as Nikolas and I stay silent. I can't believe they talked as if I haven't been there. Sulking, I refuse to turn around and face the man. He can sleep on the couch again if he wants since I will not be sharing the damn bed.

"Ania told me that you have eaten everything."

"What about it?" I mutter as I watch a bird fly by the window.

"Do you need blood?" he asks as I can feel his stare on the back of my head.

"I am not going to mate with you if that' what you are implying."

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