Chapter 53

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"How was it?" I ask Katie when she comes back into the room.

"Where's mum?" she asks while looking around the place while rubbing her arm.

"She went to make a call," I briefly explain while straightening my mate's rippled clothes. He has lost so much weight that I fear to break him if I am too rough.

She heavily sits down with a tired sigh. "I don't know what to do anymore."

"That bad huh?"

"She asked me if I was her mate. What am I supposed to say? She can't even feel the bond yet. And there's mum," she sighs once again while leaning her head back on the chair.

I have never seen Katie in such an exhausted state. She is always so proper and beautiful. Now, she doesn't even seem to care about her appearance and manners. She looks like a completely different person.

"Then, what did you say?" I raise an eyebrow. Sometimes saying nothing can be the worst decision. Lying may even be a better solution sometimes.

"I brushed her off," she mumbles with a pout. "She looked hurt after that."

"Then, why didn't you tell her the truth?" I ask even though I already know the answer.

"I'll rather wait for her to feel it before saying anything."

"Two years can be very long."

"I already waited four hundred and ninety-eight years. What are a mere two years?" she argues with a disinterested shrug.

"Very long when you're in love," I mumble while staring at my mate.

Only a week has gone and went, and it seems like an eternity since I have seen you awake. You're always unconscious. It may as well mean that you're not here. Some days, I feel like I'm going to lose you. Your life is hanging by a thread, and I can only soothe some of your pain. And to what goal? To give you another day to live. Another agonizing day for both of us to go through. But I can't let you free of this pain. I am not strong enough. I don't want to be alone anymore. I know I'm being selfish, but you weren't any better when you chained me to your room.

"How is he?" Katie asks worriedly surely after understanding the hidden meaning of my last statement.

"Nothing happened. Which is good. I guess," I sigh. "Did you get any news from Demetrius?"

"He's already on his way back."

I nod while taking the new information in. It's soon going to be over. When Demetrius gets back, he will fix you up and we will go home together. Then, you can fuck me as much as you want.

The rest of the day goes without anything happening. After every two hours, I feed my mate with my blood to give him the nutrients he needs. We also change his IV drips once in the evening.

The visitors come and go. Claudia also visited a few times when neither Alice nor Katie was here. I tried to ask her what happened after that incident, but she only shook her head. I think she is avoiding them now. To my surprise, Daniel also came. Though he didn't say much and just stared at Nikolas before leaving.

The next day, I am woken up by someone shaking my shoulder. I groan and blink a few times before looking at who it is. I lick my dried lips as I blankly stare at the man in front of me. Gradually, my brain cells start to work and I finally recognize who he is.

"Finally, you're back!" I exclaim in surprise as Demetrius gives me a small smile.

"Yes, I am."

"Do you know what's wrong with him? Can you cure him? What are you going to do?"

"Take a deep breath and calm down," he simply says and waits for me to do as instructed. When I am finally calm or somewhat calm, he adds, "I came here to get you. I'll explain everything downstairs."

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