Chapter 27

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We are all sitting in the living room waiting for Matthias to make his way down. Apparently, Alice went to check on him this morning, and she found him awaken trying to get up without any help. I know that we are vampires, but he was really injured, he should allow his body to recover. A day isn't near enough when he lost that much blood. However, as stubborn as he is, he refused any help. He insisted on doing everything by himself. This is why while waiting for him to make his appearance, we have to listen to Alice rant about his carelessness as Michael nods at everything she says while reading the newspaper of the day.

I smile at them as I devour my ham and eggs breakfast. The two siblings are also eating their own food amused by their mom's ranting. It must be a frequent occurrence when one of them gets injured. Suddenly, we all overhear someone swear in the hallway as silence takes over the room. We all observe the door as Matthias slowly limp his way while using the wall to support his weight into the living room. Painfully, we all watch him sit down without any help. It isn't because we didn't want to, but each time someone tried, Matthias would glare at us.

He sighs in relief when he finally sits down. If he is in so much pain, we could have talked in his room. It is apparent that he is trying to be tough, but honestly, he is failing miserably. He should put all his efforts and energy into healing instead. It will be fun to see a man like Matthias being on his toes while tending to his mate.

"Son, tell us what happened," Michael asks while folding the newspaper that he was reading a few seconds ago.

"I was out looking for Elizabeth with some of my men when I received a call from Micah saying that Eva was on the run. This is when the enforcers appeared. There were two of them," Matthias starts to explain before leaning his elbows on his legs.

"Two of them? That's rare," Michael comments with a frown.

"There was an apprentice. Even then, she killed four of my men when the mentor slaughtered the double," the older brother grits his teeth.

I can't believe it. A single man executed eight vampires by himself? Plus they were outnumbered! How could this happen? Humans are supposed to be feeble and weak. No wonder why they were so distressed when they heard enforcers were spotted in town.

"What about Eva? She's still alive, isn't it?" I weakly ask fearing the man's answer.

Matthias looks up at me, so we are making eye contact, but what I feared the most happened when he shakes his head no. "I'm sorry... When I was fighting one of the enforcers, she ran right into the fight unknowing of what was happening. The woman killed Eva before I could do anything."

I blankly look at Matthias for an undetermined time. I feel like something in me broke. Eva was the first friend I made after Elizabeth turned me into a vampire. Even after we had left that small wooden house in the wood, we stayed together. When the humans hunted us, we helped each other. We did everything each other. But now, she's gone. Eva is gone without meeting Elizabeth. I failed her. She believed in me and I failed her. I should have been more active in helping her. If she stayed with me maybe, she would still be alive...

"It is not your fault," Nikolas whispers as he takes me into his arms while gently caressing my back.

"It is! She came to see me when she needed help and I should have supported her more. I should have been more involved when I noticed that she wasn't feeling well. And now, she's dead," I sob into my mate's chest.

"You couldn't know what would have happened in the future. You did what you thought was the best for her," my mate tries to console me, but I just cling to the man tighter in my arms.

"He's right. If there's someone to blame, it's me," Matthias confesses causing me look at him with teary eyes. "I am the one that accepted her in one of my covens and promised to keep an eye on her while looking for that woman. I am the one that should have saved her. Micah, I am deeply sorry that I failed," he adds solemnly while slightly lowering his head.

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