Chapter 23

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Demetrius ^^^

As everyone dance and socialize, Nikolas and I stay seated at our table talking to each other. Of course, we danced over a few songs together, so we are now taking a break. You would imagine that the dance floor would be like a club, but it is the total opposite. Nikolas' entourage really is old-fashioned since most of the guests are vampires. They may not be Pures, but they are in a class of their own since some of them are as old as my mate's parents.

A moment later, Matthias comes back to the table after kissing the back of a young woman's hand. He sits down next to his younger brother before drinking some water.

"Already bored of her?" Nikolas says while rotating the glass of wine he is holding.

The older brother sighs as he leans back on his chair, "She's easy to please and good looking, but... She's only after me because of my title. Either male or female none of them are worth my attention."

"What a shame, she's still looking at you with hope in her eyes," my mate answers with what seems like pity in his tone as he looks at the young woman.

Both of them continue to talk about Matthias past relationships as I listen silently. For the first time since I have met the man, I had never seen such vulnerability in him. He is silently suffering because he hasn't found his mate yet. However, he doesn't go whoring around with all the people that jump in his arms. He is the kind of men that will never admit their suffering out loud, not even to himself. He will lie or joke around to forget his pain. Now, I understand why Matthias couldn't accept my behaviour with Nikolas. I owe him an apology.

"Before I forget, I got in contact with your friend, Eva," Matthias starts as I focus all my attention to him.

"How is she? Last time I saw her, she was emotionally unstable," I mention worriedly.

"You don't need to worry. She is being taken care of in one of my covens. I heard that she wished to meet Elizabeth for closure."

"You didn't kill her right?" Nikolas scoffs making me roll my eyes. He can't seem to get past the idea that she didn't want to yield her hold on me and that she is still alive. What a possessive man, but I like it. Here we go, I just affirmed it.

"I didn't, but I am afraid I can't accept Eva's request," Matthias adds with a frown.

"Why is that?" I ask panicked. He didn't kill her, so why can't Eva see Elizabeth?

Before I can ask any more questions, I feel my mate's hand cover mine. I look at him and even if we don't exchange any words, I can hear him instructing me to calm down. I nod in understanding and look back at Matthias so he can continue.

"Because she's missing," the older Pure sighs annoyed by the fact he has just given us.

Nikolas squints his eyes at his brother, "It is extremely hard to believe she succeeded to escape from you without noticing."

"I don't quite believe it myself since I made sure she couldn't walk out of there and that she was only given the strict minimum in blood, so she can live, but not gain any strength to escape. I also fractured the bones in her legs multiple times, so all her energy goes into healing. Without forgetting the guards I put in front of her cells to keep an eye on her twenty-four seven," he explained before taking a sip of his wine.

"Do you require help?" my mate suggests making the other one shake his head.

"I already have some men taking care of the matter, but she left no traces which are hard to believe. This is why I think that someone helped her. It could have been anyone in my covens or a third party that was aided by an insider."

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