Chapter 10

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*Luke's POV*

She stood still looking straight at me, not the other boys, just me. I could tease her around a bit and smirk at her to intimidate her, or I could pretend that I didn't know she lived around here, which would be stupid as I walked her home not long ago. I guess my only option is the first one. I tilt my head slightly and grin, making her eyes widen as if she's just seen hell.

"Are you following me?" She asks and the boys might as well not be here because I feel like she's aiming at me.

"Oh Bennie, why on earth would we follow you?" I question her back.

"Don't treat me like I'm stupid..." She pauses and looks the boys reactions. "I heard what you said... Up there."

I watch her hands gesture to the steps we just walked down. I hear the quiet whispers of the boys behind my back as they realise that there is no way we can talk our way out of this one. Beau grabs onto James and he tells us to leave and they all do, leaving me alone with Bennie. She watches then disappear up the stairs then her eyes connect with mine again.

"Go on the, explain... That's why you're still here, right? Because your friends left you just explain?" Her confident voice says.

I walk over to the rock closest to her and take a seat on it, staring at the sea. It's still early and the it's not as light as it will be in a couple of hours but it is warm. The wind blows Bennie to a side and she sort of gets knocked into the rock next to me. I watch her hold her body weight up with one hand while the other ties up her hair tighter than previously.

"I don't like you." I say again.

"I know, you've mentioned it before..." She murmurs.

"I will keep mentioning it until you understand it and stay away from me. In fact, until you're scared of me."

*Bennie's POV*

"You were the one who found me and I'm not gonna be scared of you..." My voice speaks and I instantly regret the second part, who am I kidding? I'm already kind of afraid of Luke.

"I saw your face when I first appeared, the same face every time I see you. It's like you're already afraid." He grins smugly.

"That's just my face." I say pathetically, I can't reason with him. There's no point.

"Oh I wish it was." The tone of his voice sends shivers down my spine, even if he did just insult me.

I turn my back and continue walking the same path I did before they showed up.

When i am close to the steps further along the sand I feel a smile appear on my face. The confidence I got must have come from no where. I don't normally talk back or ask questions, I just make it my main goal to escape the awkward encounter. I mentally pat myself on the back as I climb the stairs. If this confidence is here to stay, I'm sure to hell going to be using it.

As I enter the school gates, I remember that I forgot to get an explanation for why they were talking about me and more importantly why they were on their way to my house. I stop walking for a second and look around, what's the simplest reason for them appearing at my house, or that being their plan. It wouldn't be my mother, she doesn't talk to anyone from my school. There is no one else for them to pick on, apart from myself. My mind summarises up all the times I've seen then around and everything and it comes to me. Daniel hasn't been with the whole group when I've bumped into them. He must of sent them to find stuff about me, or take something from my house.

Am I dealing with a stalker?

I take a deep breath and continue walking towards the field as I'm still early.

I sit on the fake grass that has been put down and pull out little bits of plastic that I find. I put my blazer on the grass next to me and put my bag behind my back and I lean backwards with my head on it, staring at the sky. I'd be lying if I said my eyes weren't beginning to close and that I didn't want to rest here.

"Tired?" A voice speaks.

I jump up at stare at the figure that is sitting next to me. Daniel. He smiles at me but I don't return it, I just sit in silence. He looks up at the sky and then moves his eyes back onto mine.

"Like what you see?" He teases.

I get up and begin to walk away but he catches my wrist and pulls me back to him. My eyes stare at the grip he has on me as I try to pull my hands from his.

"Bennie, stop. I'm not trying to hurt you, I just want to talk. You look upset, are you okay?" He fires and I shake my head, refusing to respond and give him satisfaction.

He embraces me and I try to pull my body away but I feel stuck. I let out a quiet noise but I assume he thinks it's a moan, as it did sound close to that.

"Get off, Daniel please." I say, quite shakily.

He pulls my weight from me holding me by my shoulders and I take this chance to run. I grab my stuff and run into the main building where I hide in the toilets until the bell sounds.

So long confidence...

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