Chapter 11

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HIII, sorry I'm not updating often. I feel like not many people like this fanfic because I get no comments or anything. I don't know if I should carry it on... Ah guys ;-;

Um, yus. This is a short chapter and I'm hoping this note makes it look a lot longer. Well yup. Bye


When the bell does ring, I open the cubicle door and walk into the corridor. I feel a few eyes on me but not more than normal. The odd glances I do get are because I walk alone, with no friends or anyone or for reasons that have never been explained to me. I keep my head down as I walk the majority of the time but this time was different. I studied my surroundings and the students I share a class with. I watch as some of them rush to class, these people all seem to have things in common. They normally are the stereotypical nerds, big glasses, hair tied back, back bags fitted tightly on behind them and books in their hands. I then notice the slow pace of the others. It's like they really don't want school or lessons, the weeks tired them out and they just don't know what to do. They're image is just normal, I suppose. And the last group I spot are the kids who have a mind of their own, if they don't want to go to class, they won't. They will sit back and watch everyone like I'm doing now, but not exactly the same. They would judge these people, they would laugh at them and pick on them. They're are basically three groups, I've never really thought about that before.

My eyes catch a girl in non uniform, she's in sixth form. I admire her face features and long, thick, blonde hair. She is walking with another girl, who has similar hair to her. Her blue eyes are almost matching to the other girl as well. The second girl wears a white top and ripped jeans along with little leather boots. She looks up at me and smiles slightly.

"Hi!" She says, stopping in front of me. Her friend, the first girl, stands next to her impatiently tapping her foot.

"Um... Hey." I respond.

"I'm Emma, this is Jess, and you're Bennie, am I right?" She smiles.

I nod at her and Jess' eyes widen and stare at me, she then looks at Emma and squeezes her wrist.

"Have I missed something?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Jess answers, slightly smiling.

"You don't normally talk to me, you are both popular and out of nowhere you know my name and you seem excited to see me, I saw you touch her wrist..."

"You don't miss a beat!" Emma laughs. "We just saw you and don't think it's fair that you've got no one to rely on, no friends or anything and you're actually quite pretty and deserve to be noticed more often."

"I really should be getting to class..." I say, trying to cut her off from saying anything else. I don't want to be praised by a popular girl, I don't like the crowd they belong to.

"Oh, um... Do you wanna hang at lunch or something?" Emma says and Jess shoves her a little bit as if she doesn't agree with Emma.

I take the hint and decide to pass on it as I'm not wanted or needed. In fact, I would much rather stay alone.

"It's not really my forte..." I shrug.

Jess smiles and grabs Emma's arm in attempt to drag her away from me. Emma pulls her arm from Jess' grasp and Jess looks angry and walks off alone. Emma stands alone watching Jess disappear around a corner, then she turns to me and shakes her head.

"Sorry, she's a bit of a moody bitch when she doesn't get her way. I'd still like you to see you around at lunch or something."

"I don't get what's with the sudden interest in me..."

"I don't think it's fair on you." She says, reassuringly.

"I've been like this for years, why now?" I question.

"I don't know, I've never really thought about making friends. They always sort of came to me..." She says, and I suddenly feel low. She notices my mood change and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Sorry, that was insensitive. Listen, I understand that you've got social anxiety or something like tha-"

"Excuse me?" I question, raising my eyebrows. She doesn't know the first thing about me.

"I know." She says simply.


"Because I used to be like you." She whispers so no one hears, clearly embarrassed. "I know what it's like to be alone, no friends. Basically all you have to comfort you are your grades, but you're not a classic nerd. You stay alone because you're scared of being rejected and incase you feel out of place. You tend to ponder a lot and overthink things but it helps sometimes to help you make decisions. I could go on but I think you get the point..."

"I..." I don't know what to say.

"I've seen your mum." She says and something electric shoots through my body. "She goes to the same group as my mum, I saw her when I went to pick up my mum. She's really lovely and polite and she seems so happy to have you."

I feel a small smile form on my face, mirroring Emma. The thought of me actually having something in common made me feel a bit more comfortable and that I may have hope for having friends.

"Is your mum okay?" I question, quietly.

"Yeah, she's coping. She hasn't got the same as your mum, she's got the big C instead but the doctors say it's going well and if she stays positive and shows up to all the appointments, including the counselling group, she has a bright future still to go." She smiles brightly.

"She sounds like a good woman." I respond, still with a smile playing on my face. I don't exactly know what to say to her on the topic of illness' but it seems like she has quite a bit in common with me.

"She is..." She looks at the ceiling as if she's trying not to cry, I hear her sniff. "I'd love to stand here and chat but you've got lesson to attend and I've got to try and cheer up Jess. I hope to see you at lunch..."

And before I can respond, she had gone around the corner in the same direction as Jess. I turn around at head across the empty corridor into my classroom.

"You're late!" My teacher shouts as soon as I enter the class.

"Only by..." I look up at the clock. " 10 minutes."

"You seem to have found your voice, take a seat at the back." Mr Roger says pointing to the empty seat at the back of the classroom which is next to the one and only... Luke.

I hear my heart hit against my ribcage and I feel more awkward the closer I get.

"I didn't know you were in this class. If I did, I would have got into this much trouble every history class so I could get moved into here... With you." He smiles and I feel my skin crawl.

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