Chapter Nineteen

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Loki and I went to bed in peace that night. Later that night, I woke up to see Loki pacing back and forth nervously. "Loki?" I sat up slowly.

"(y/n)," uh-oh, something's very wrong. He didn't call me darling.

"Why are you up? It's so late?" I began to sit up but Loki gently pushed me back down.

"I'm in trouble, love. A great lot of it too." Tears slowly began to roll down his icy cheeks.

"Loki, what's going on?" I wiped the tears away.

"Thanos..." Loki said. "He's coming for me..." I've heard stories about Thanos and the awful things Loki had to endure before the attack on new york.

"W-w-what? Why? Loki, please, tell me what's going to happen," I said as tears began to plague my face as well.

"I can't tell you, darling. Only because, I don't know." That scares me more than anything at this point. Loki got back in bed and we fell asleep in each other's arms. About an hour had passed, tears still rolled off of my cheeks. "(y/n)?" Loki said.

"Yes?" I replied, my voice shaking a little bit.

"Before anything happens, I just want you to know that I am so glad that I found you. I don't know how I survived in the past without you. You are everything I could ever want in a person and more. If something goes wrong and I don't make it out, I want you to take this." He handed me a necklace with a green-glowing crystal on it. "To remember me bye." I pulled him closer.

"You will make it out of this. We will make it out of this." He gulped hard as I said those words.

"I'm not sure how true that is, my love." He held me tighter as we sobbed some more.

I woke up the next morning and Loki already left. I got out of bed to see Loki and Thor standing in front of a window enjoying the view. Loki looked as anxious as ever. I walked up to them and held Loki's hand. "Good morning, (y/n)." Thor said and I half-smiled at him. A dark shadow encompassed the area. "What is that?" Thor asked cluelessly.

"Loki..." I said with concern.

"It's happening," Loki replied.

"What's happen-." A loud bang overtook the ship and I fell to the ground, cutting my head open.

"Darling!" Loki yelled. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. We need to go." Thor looked completely confused as did everyone onboard. It wasn't long, until shots were fired at the ship. Asgardians fell dead on the ground. One after the other, they dropped like flies. Tears mixed with blood fell upon my dress. Aliens loaded on the ship and began to take care of the remains Asgardians. Loki lead me to a hidden area.

"Stay here, darling. I have something to do." Loki said as he placed a sweet kiss on my lips.

"No, Loki, please don't." I begged.

"Trust me," he said. I released his arm and watched in terror as Loki stood before Thanos. Thanos picked up Thor by the armor and carried him closer to Loki.

"The tesseract or your brother's head." Thanos said. "I assume you have a preference."

"Oh, I do, kill away," Loki replied. The fear in Loki's eyes couldn't be disguised, it's far too evident. Thanos didn't take an eye off of Loki as he burned the gauntlet onto Thor's head. "Alright, stop!" Loki yelled. He made the tesseract appear in his hand.

"You really are the worst brother," Thor said.

"I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again." Loki said.

"Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian." Thanos said.

"For one thing, I'm not Asgardian and for another, we have the hulk." Loki jumped out of the way grabbing Thor with him and pulling him aside. Loki ran over to me.

"Please, just give it to him, Loki. Please," I cried.

"Shhh, it's alright. See, I'm alive, everything's okay." He half-smiled before pulling me in for a tight hug. Loki saw that the Hulk didn't win and that Heimdall was killed. The plan didn't go as planned. Loki pulled back looking more scared than ever.

"What? What's wrong now?" Loki stared at the ground.

"Thanos will win and when he does, he will wipe out half of every universe. That includes Asgard. Thor and I are the only asgardians left... That means, it's either me or Thor..." I can sense where this is going and I don't like it at all.

"Loki, what are you talking about? Please, don't do what I think you're about to do." Loki grabbed me and kissed me gently yet with passion.

"I love you more than anything," he said, his voice cracking on the word 'anything.' "I'm so sorry," he said before walking out right to Thanos. "I might interject."

"No, no, no, no," I mumbled gagging on my tears. "Loki... please..."

"If you're going to early you may need a guide. I have experience in that arena." Loki said shakily.

"If you consider failure experience," Thanos said.

"I, Loki, Prince of Asgard, God of Mischief... Odinson... promise my undying fidelity," he gave me one last glance before attempting to stab Thanos in the neck.

"You might want to choose your words more carefully..." Thanos picked Loki up by the neck and held him there. Loki squirmed in his grip.

"You- Will- Never- Be- A- God-." Loki said one moment before Thanos snapped his neck in half. I gasped in complete shock. I couldn't tell whether to cry or to scream or both. Thanos disappeared and I screamed my heart out. I stumbled over to where Loki's corpse laid.

"Loki, please wake up. Please, Loki! Please!" I screamed with tears streaming down my face. My tears froze as they hit Loki's ice cold face.

"(y/n), we must go..." Thor said.

I screamed some more before being taken up by a white light. "No! No! No! Loki! No! Please! Help!" I screamed. I appeared in a white room with Rhodey.

"(y/n)?!" He said as he ran over to me. "What are you-. What are you doing here?" I couldn't even bare to answer that question. I looked down at the necklace Loki gave me, the light went out. Bruce emerged from another room.

"(y/n)?" He questioned. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly. "What- What happened? Is Thor okay? Is Loki?" My heart skipped a beat as I heard his name.

"No, no, Loki, he's, he, he, Thanos, he, he killed him!" I yelled crying into his shoulder.

"Oh no..." Bruce said with sadness and fear tinting his voice.

"Captain," Rhodey said. I pulled out of Bruce's hug and saw my dad standing with a beard and longer hair.

"Dad," I ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

"(y/n)?! You're—. You're alive?!" He sobbed happily into my shoulder and so collapsed in his arms. "What happened?!"

"Loki— he— Thanos— Loki— died." My dad pulled me closer.

"I'm so sorry..."  I pulled out of the hug and sat on a couch in a room with the rest of the Avengers and some new ones.

The worst part about all this wasn't the fact that Loki died... It's the fact that I didn't with him...

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