Chapter Twenty (Endgame Spoilers)

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(LAST CHAPTER!! go check out my new fic called — Sigyn —

^ with the dashes

As I stood next to Loki, we embraced each other's presence. All of a sudden, I felt an emptiness beside me.

"Loki?" I called out.

"(Y/n)!" I heard someone say. I turned around and it was Wanda. "(Y/n), we have to go. They need us."

"Who does?" I asked still searching for Loki.

"The Avengers," she replied.

"Wait," I began, "what about Loki?"

"We have to go. We'll find him later."

Hesitantly, I walked with her through a portal. As I stepped out into the burnt ground, I was taken aback by how many heroes stood side by side in defense of Earth.

Chills rolled down my spine as I laid eyes on my father. All bloody and covered in dirt, he stood exhausted.

"Dad," I managed to squeak out. He turned around slowly. His eyes grew to be as big as baseballs as he saw me.

"(Y/n)!" he yelled as he ran over to me. He picked me up in a tight hug. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." We stopped hugging because Thanos had begun getting closer. I looked around in search of familiar faces. I spotted nearly all of the originals except for one. "Where's Nat?" I asked.

"She... she uh... She didn't make it, kiddo." I felt like a grenade had just exploded in my chest. She was the mother I never had. I loved her like family.

Grasping onto whatever hope was left in me, I said, "well, that's okay. We'll get her back." I smiled faintly. He didn't smile. He didn't believe it.

We began the fight and ugly aliens came running at us. I brushed the dust off (no pun intended) and used my powers like I never used them before. This is the fight of my life. If we win this, I can have my family back. I can have Loki back.

One after the other I slaughtered the aliens. I began struggling when three of them had lunged at me. Losing breath, I called out for help. As I called out I saw a bright light take over my field of view and the three aliens were blown back. A woman with short blonde hair was standing there. Woah. She helped me off my feet.

"Thanks," I said breathlessly.

"No problem," she said causally. "Come with me. We're winning this now." I walked with her over to a squeaky boy desperately trying to protect the stones. A group of us stood in front of him as we helped him.

"I haven't seen you in a while," I said to Valkyrie.

"Yeah, welcome back," she said.

"Do you have something to give me?" The blonde lady asked. The boy handed us the stones and we walked forward. Okoye lead us forward. It was me, Okoye, Wanda, Valkyrie, and the blonde lady, Carol. Now this will be the group that takes him down.

We fought on desperately trying to defeat Thanos. I went in for a hit when he struck me hard causing me to fall to the ground.

"(Y/n)?" My dad came running over to me. "Are you okay?" I nodded. He held his hand out and Thor's hammer game flying to his grip.

"WOAHH! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN ABLE TO DO THAT?!" I yelled with wide eyes.

"For years apparently," Thor said as he ran by.

"Thor, dude, what happened?" I chuckled. A loud crash rang in everybody's ears. We ran over and Tony was wearing the infinity gauntlet.

"I am inevitable," Thanos said evilly.

"Well, I am Iron Man," Tony said as he snapped his fingers.

All of a sudden, the air grew to have the same feeling as it did just before everyone vanished. This time, however, it was the bad guys that were turning to dust. I stood beside my dad and watched with relief.

The relief we were all feeling was short-lived as Tony was taking his final breaths. Half his body was burned up. No... Not him too.

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark, we won. Tony?" Spider-man said. Pepper pulled him back.

"We're gonna be okay. You can let go," she uttered. Tony's light slowly turned off and Pepper burst into tears. I looked to my dad who was in tears. I held his hand and squeezed it three times.


A few days later was the funeral. We crowded around the lake outside Tony's house as a grand send off commenced. Everyone showed up. I met Tony's daughter, Morgan. The poor child doesn't even realize what's happened.

Losing a parent is hard...
Losing a lover is hard...
Losing a friend is hard...

Losing it seems is the common thread among the hardships of life. I think it's safe to say that we all lost a piece of ourselves after this fight. Now all that's left is the one unutterable truth that there's only one option... moving on.


After the funeral, Bruce wanted to return all the infinity stones to where they came from. My dad suited up and readied himself before entering the quantum realm.

"Hey, Dad?"


"Can I, um, can I come?" he looked at me strangely. "I just want to see Loki again. One last time, you know?" he shot me a sad smile. "That's a 'no' then?"

"I'm sorry."

"No, yeah, don't be. I mean, it's fine. It wouldn't really work out anyway, I got it."

Bruce readied the machine and my dad zipped away.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." Bruce tried to bring him back, but something was going wrong. He wasn't coming back.

Steve's POV
I sat on a bench overlooking the water. I did what should've been done at first. I went back and lived my life the way it should've been lived. I married Peggy. I had (y/n). Now, that came with the downside of her never meeting Loki, but she's spared from the heartbreak of losing him. Things are better.

They finally caught on and walked over to me.

"I can't tell if something went right or horribly wrong," Sam said.

"I thought I'd go back and live some life that Tony was always telling me to get," I replied.

"The only thing I'm kind of bummed about is having lived a life without a Captain America."

"That reminds me," I picked up my shield. "Try it on." Sam gave me a shocked look. "How's it feel?"

"Like it's not mine," he said. I chuckled. "You at least said hi to Loki for (Y/n), right?" (Y/n) looked confused.

"Who's Loki?" She asked. It worked...

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