How it happened

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Today is that day. 

After my parents died, I was left with no family for the longest time. Until one day when everthing changed. 

 -One Week Ago- 

I got back to my apartment and my best friend Vanessa was sitting in the living room with some guy with a full beard wearing a baseball cap. There was a camara on the table and Go Pros sticking out of a bag in the corner. They both looked up at me as soon as I walked in and started smiling. 

"Hey Carly!" Vanessa started, "I have great news for you... I think?"

"I hope it is good news but it could also be the worst news of your life," the strange man replied. The man looked strangly familier but I didn't know from where.

"What's going on..?" I asked

"Well," he started, "I asked my parents about our family tree and so we decided to take a DNA test."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Patience I'm getting to that. Anyways where was I? Oh right the test. So we took the DNA test to find all the inner workings of our family and found your parents. However I decided to dig a little deeper and googled them, but found out they died a few years ago."


"And then I continued to research and found you!"

"Okay.. But, why are you here?" I asked him.

"I came to invite you to move in with me and my friends!"

"Me and him have been talking for awhile and he showed me his house and it, is, amazing!" Vanessa assured me.

"Okay, but I have just one question for you," I said

"What is it?" He replied.

"What is your name?"

He laughed as if it was the funniest thing he has ever heard

"You mean you haven't heard of me? Wow that sounded really cocky. Anyway, my name is Elton, Elton Castee."

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