Chapter 8 || Visible, Invisible

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Sunlight streamed through my bedroom window, waking me up earlier than I necessarily wanted. I stretched and sat up, glancing outside for a few minutes before actually getting out of bed. I went downstairs after checking up on my mother, she was still asleep, so I might as well make her breakfast.

A few minutes later I had a warm plate of food ready for her. I walked up to her door and was about to knock when I heard her call out my name.

"Sang!" her voice boomed from within her room. I opened the door and peeked my head in.

"Yes, mother?" I asked tentatively.

"Is breakfast ready?"

"Yes, mother." I said and opened the door the whole way, her eyes cast down on the plate and they narrowed.

"Bring it here." I walked towards her and held out the plate, she took it from my hands. "Leave, I don't want you bothering me today."

I nodded my head and scrambled out of her room as fast as I could. I hoped my plan would work. I waited outside for a few minutes until I heard her snoring, it didn't take long, but my heart was beating a bit too loud for my liking. I opened the door again and saw her passed out, the plate still on her lap and the fork loosely clutched between her pale lanky fingers.

I watched as her chest rose and fell slightly and blew out a breath. I inwardly smiled, ecstatic that my plan actually worked. I made sure that the smell of the eggs and seasoning would drown out the use of magical herbs I added in there to make her pass out for a few hours.

I went back up to my room and grabbed my bag along with a few books from my father's study. I jogged out of the house and through the forest, down the wooden stairs and to where Jessica and I usually meet. Unsurprisingly, she wasn't there. I smiled slightly, I knew she was at school by now but surprisingly someone else was there instead.

I walked up to the silhouette and was bombarded by the smell of fresh spring soap. I stopped in my tracks and my eyes widened.

"Mr. Blackbourne?"


Luke's POV

"Luke! Get your ass back here!" North growled at me and I had to suppress my laughter from my hiding spot. "If you think you can get away with this, you thought wrong, you little shit!" I heard him stomping around downstairs in the halls and I smiled from within Victor's closet. It was the closest option I had.

The doors opened and my eyed widened, expecting to find North ready to pummel me, instead I found a very amused looking Victor staring down at me.

"Really?" Was all he asked me. I grinned up at him and 'shh'ed him.

"What the fuck is going on?" Gabriel joined Victor at the doors, he saw me and started shaking his head. "Get the fuck out, you're going to wrinkle his clothes, do you animals know nothing of fucking decency?"

I opened my mouth to protest but he continued on anyways.

"I don't give a shit if North is after you, I told you to stop hiding in closets 'cause you always wrinkle all the fucking clothing." Gabriel's hands went to his hair and he reached out to touch one of Vic's shiny white ballroom shirts. "You got fucking chocolate on it! Luke! This shit costs an arm, a leg and an animal sacrifice to get this out!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes at his over exaggerations. My best friend is so weird.

"There you fucking are!" North boomed from the doorway of Vic's bedroom. I saw him barrelling towards me and immediately scrambled out, using Vic as a shield.

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