Chapter 13 || Kiss Kiss Fall in Love <3

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I watched as Miss Sorenson's chest rose and fell with every synchronised breath as she slept. The boys had all left her room for various tasks they could get done before Miss Sorenson woke up. I was currently in charge of 'Sang Duty' as the boys call it and making sure her recovery was swift as possible.

Miss Sorenson's breathing suddenly quickened before it stopped completely, and she gasped awake in her spot on the bed. I rushed over to her and put a hand on her back, sitting beside her trembling frame.

"Miss Sorenson?" I need a response from her.

She turned her head, her breathing still coming out in rapid little pants, she must've registered that it was me as she slowly trails her gaze over my facial features and slows her breathing. Whatever I did, I'm glad it calmed her down, the boys would surely not hesitate to 'rip me a new one' had I done the opposite.

"Mr. Blackbourne." She replied, her voice horse and croaky from just being woken up by a nightmare.

"Would you like to talk about it?" I offer and she slowly shakes her head. I'll save it for North, then.

"It's okay. I'm fine now, thank you." She lets out a shaky breath slowly before swinging her legs off the side of the bed and trying to stand up. I stand with her and steady her as her newly recovering body tries to regain its strength.

"Careful now."

"Thank you, umm..." She pauses glancing around the room. "Where are the others...?"

"Currently doing what they're supposed to be doing, however at a slightly faster speed considering they have a special person they so desperately want to get back to." I say. Am I sorry for exposing the boys? Absolutely not. Miss Sorenson's cheeks turn red as she processes my words.

"I'm sorry, I..."

"It was not an instigation for you to apologise, Miss Sorenson, don't fret. I too, rushed my own duties." She practised a few steps before sitting on the windowsill ledge staring down at the gate of the entrance to the castle. "There was something I wished to discuss with you."

"Hmm? With me?" She tilts her head.

"Very much so. You see, the boys and I agreed that you deserve a break. From magic, from your mother and from being constantly hurt." She furrows her eyebrows, but the redness soon returns. "I'm not sure if you've heard of it, you might have from the Little Lee, but Charleston is having it's annual Christmas ball in two weeks, and we all thought it'd be a good experience for you to go to."

"Me?" A delicate finger was raised to her lip. "Go to a ball?"

"With all of us, of course. Despite our royal statuses, the boys collectively agreed to never leave your side without warning or a location of where they'll be."

A soft laugh left Miss Sorenson's lips. A light melodic caress to my ears.

"Sounds lovely..." Her soft smile was replaced by a sad one. "But I can't"

"You can't?" I raise an eyebrow and my lips tip down.

"I... I'm sorry, but I just don't know if I can. I don't..." I wait for her to finish her sentence, but the words never leave her mouth.

"If this is about your mother, please do not worry, your actions here in Charleston will not even reach the gate of the Castle. You're safe here, Miss Sorenson and I apologise if we made it seem that you aren't, however, I appreciate your honestly of declining but I'm not sure the boys will accept it."

"Oh!" Miss Sorenson's eyes widen, and she frantically shakes her head. "Nonono, I wasn't declining because I felt like a charity case I swear! I just... it's just I don't have... a dress... for the ball..." Her face flushed with embarrassment.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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