Episode 6: Welcome to Japan

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---Becca's POV---
The Morpheus HQ higher ups and I had to go to Japan for a conference hosted by Morpheus Asia 2. It was mandatory for all of the higher ups across Morpheus to attend. They booked a privet conference hall just so we can discuss the situation at hand. I landed in Japan around 3 a.m. their time. I somehow managed to bump into someone.

"Rebecca!" CypherDen shouted. I looked up to see Den smiling.

"Hey Den." I said. "Heading to the hotel?"

"Yeah," Den said. "Jaiden, James, and Mark are already at the hotel and Jack and Felix are arriving within the next two hours. Heard anything from anybody else?"

"I think Abby's flight is coming in at 3:15." I stated. I looked over to see a familiar brunette in a black leather jacket. She was dragging her suitcase across the airport floor.

"Abby!" I shouted. Abby shot her head up and looked over. There was terror in her eyes.

"Hey Abby!" Den shouted. I waved. Abby began to walk over.

"I didn't sleep on the plane." Abby said. "Who brings a 5 month old on a 12 hour flight?"

"No idea." I said. Abby yawned.

"At least the conference doesn't start till 6 p.m." Den said. Abby gave a huff.

"That should give me a few hours." Abby grumbled. We went to the hotel.

Once at the hotel, we got our room assignments. The group of us walked up to the capsules. Yes, we stayed in pod like capsules.

"Well," Abby said. "Good night." Abby took off her shoes, climbed into her pod, and fell asleep. That girl loves her sleep. Unfortunately, we had some matters to discuss.

"Abby?" I asked. "Can we talk about why you took off the night before X escaped?"

"For the last time," Abby grumbled. "I needed to find a way to end X for good. That is all I am saying." I sighed.

"Okay," I said. "Good night."

The next morning, I called my mom while eating breakfast. Maybe she could give me advice on how to deal with a stubborn 21 year old.

"Hey Becca," Mom said. "Did everybody make it out to Japan okay?"

"Yeah," I said. "Listen, can I ask for some advice?"

"What is it?" My mom asked.

"How do you get a stubborn 21 year old to talk?" I asked.

"Abby still refusing to give any more details?" My mom asked.

"Yeah," I said. "All I know is that she has to enter the underworld during the harvest moon."

"I suggest you go with her." Mom said. "I know Hades and he has a temper. Especially when it comes to X."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I may owe him $20 from a deal we made a few months ago." Mom said. "Speaking of which, can you give it to him when you go down?"

"Who says I'm going down?" I asked.

"Rebecca," My mom said. "Getting to the underworld is dangerous, especially on your own."

"Now how do I convince her to let me come?" I asked.

"That may be hard." My mom said. "But see if you can convince her it's dangerous."

"Alright," I said. "Gotta go. Bye." We hung up. I sighed and looked over at Abby. Abby seemed to be enjoying her breakfast and talking on the phone.

"Yeah," Abby said. "I will check out that machine before the conference.... I still have a good 12 hours.... I'll send you the diagnosis once I look at it..... Talk to you soon.... Bye." Abby placed down her phone, grabbed a tool box, and walked out of the buffet.

---Abby's POV---
Since I was in Japan and someone was having electrical problems with their ice resurfacer, I told my father/boss I would check it out while I was at this conference. The Japanese dealer had all the tools I needed and dropped them off at the hotel.  The problem was that I needed to tell Becca I can't go sight seeing with her today. Ever since X escaped, she has been clingy. I wonder if that was how Surabhi felt. I shook my head and grabbed my tool box.

"Hey Abbz." Rebecca said. I looked over and sighed.

"Listen," I said. "I know I said I was going to go sight seeing you, but I have to deal with some electrical problems on an ice resurfacer first."

"Can I come?" Rebecca asked. I sighed. How do I say no to this?

"I'm sorry," I said. "I hate to do this, but you can't come." That is simple enough for anybody.

"What do you mean I can't come?" Rebecca asked.

"I mean," I stated. "This is strictly my business. You get confused every time I talk about tail light harnesses and gages. So sorry, you can't come with me."

"But Abby," Rebecca begged. "You may need my help." My blood was boiling at this point. I know what she is trying to get me alone so we can talk about what I learned at Soñador.

"We can talk after I am done there." I snarled. I walked off to the arena.

Once I got there, I flashed my identification card and walked into the back where the machine is stored. The dealer greeted me there.

"I see you got my tools." The dealer said. He shook my hand.

"Yeah," I said. "What is the problem?"

"Apparently, something is busted in the wiring harness." The dealer stated. I took the bolt drill and removed the bolts that had access to the machines fuse panel. I immediately caught the problem.

"Looks like someone screwed up the drive computer to the foot peddal." I stated. "My former partner at my section seemed to have screwed up the wiring. When did this come in?"

"December of 2017." The dealer replied. I looked in and noticed the machine hasn't been upgraded.

"It needs to be upgraded anyways." I said. "I will be here for a few more weeks. Someone will have to ship the parts out to me. Until then, don't use this machine." I closed it back up, pulled out my cellphone, and called my dad. I was greeted by his answering machine. I left a message and went back to the hotel.

I returned to the hotel, the front desk attendee called for me.

"Ms. DeHaan," The attendee said. "I have a message for you from a Mrs. Parham."

"Don't you mean Ms?" I asked.

"No," The attendee replied. "It was a phone call from the United States. I wrote down the message." He slid me a note. I grabbed it and read what it said.

"I suggest you call me," The note said. "It is very important. Mama Parham." There was a phone number attached. I went to my room and dialed Mama Parham. I wonder what was going on.

"Hello?" Mama Parham asked.

"Mama Parham," I said. "It's Abby."

"Oh Abby," Mama Parham said. "Thank goodness. Listen, I think my daughter's behaviour has changed since X escaped. Any ideas on what is causing this?"

"Describe it to me." I stated. "I think I have noticed it to."

"She has been more clingy." Mama Parham stated. "Like a child does with their mother, except worse. I also notice she has a shorter temper. Have you noticed?"

"The clingy-ness, yes." I said. "Temper, no. Strange thing, I think that may be X kicking in. I will bring it up at tonight's conference meeting."

"Thank you Abby." Mama Parham said.

"No problem." I said. "Good night."

"Good night Abby." Mama Parham said. I hung up. I crawled out and checked the time. I had to go meet Den, Jaiden, James, Adam, Tim, and Becca for lunch. Den found a sushi restaurant that looked okay. I called an Uber and headed for lunch.

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